Cycle Bulk Diet


An URGENT Message For Guys Who Wants To Build Muscle… FAST

…Has Helped 10,000+ Men Pack On 20-30 Pounds Of Rock-Hard Muscle While Burning Fat And Turbocharging Testosterone Levels!

Rapid Results In Just 21 Days!

If you want to build enough muscle in the next 3 weeks to practically split the seams of your shirt…

Then read every word on this page…

Researchers from Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden have discovered a brand-new biological loophole called “Hormone Confusion”…

That when used correctly… Will give you jaw dropping muscle gains in as little as the next 21 days! In fact, this method is so powerful it can help even the scrawniest hardgainer pack on 20-30 pounds of muscle in little time…

And it won’t matter if you’re “skinny fat”… you can still use this technique to build muscle while getting ripped…

And it won’t matter if you’re over 40… because this powerful routine can help any man regardless of age reignite their testosterone levels… helping you to look (and feel) 10 years younger.

In a moment, you’ll discover EXACTLY what “Hormone Confusion” is, and how you can use this hidden technique…

I’ve been competing in bodybuilding competitions since 1995 with multiple trophies to my name. I’m a certified strength and conditioning coach, certified bodybuilding judge with the CBBF, and Certified Precision Nutrition educator.

I was selected by YouTube as one of the top muscle-building experts online through their Next Trainer Program. And my YouTube channel currently has over 260,000+ subscribers with over 73 million video views… Most importantly… over 10,000 men have placed their trust in me, using my paid training programs to build muscle, burn fat and get in the best shape of their lives.

And today, for the first time EVER, I’m going to show you exactly how you can gain 20-30 pounds of lean muscle, while burning fat and supercharging your testosterone levels…

Arnold Schwarzenegger. Franco Columbo. Dorian Yates. Ronnie Coleman. Phil Heath…

All of these big name bodybuilders have used “Hormone Confusion” in their training for decades…

Now, I know what you may be thinking…

Yet in addition to using roids… “Hormone confusion” was his secret weapon to give him a HUGE advantage over the competition. And that’s not all…

Hormone Confusion has also been used by:

So, what is “Hormone Confusion” and how can YOU use it to blast through stubborn plateaus and add 10, 20 or even 30 pounds of muscle to your frame?

Before you think that perhaps I’m genetically gifted or that I’m just one of those guys who has always been in great shape, let me tell you that I’ve been in your shoes. I know all too well what it’s like to be the weak scrawny guy – as well as the fat chubby guy.

Take a look at these pictures…

These were taken while I was training for the Atlantic Canadian Bodybuilding Championships in New Brunswick, Canada.

In the first picture, I started my pre-contest diet at 215 pounds. I wasn’t in “bad” shape, but certainly not lean enough to compete in a bodybuilding competition.

The second was taken on stage at the competition. After 12 weeks of strict dieting I got my body weight down to a ripped 187 pounds.

But the third picture is the most interesting of all.

The third image was taken one week AFTER my show. My body weight had shot back up to 210 and I’m significantly larger, more veiny and muscular.

And it’s not just water weight. I gained almost an inch on my arms and my entire upper exploded with brand new muscle gains.

Now, you’re probably wondering, “What the heck was going on?”

Like I said, this is something professional bodybuilders have known for DECADES.

Yet they never reveal it to the public because like any good magician they keep their tricks to themselves. Until now…

When preparing for a bodybuilding competition, it takes 12+ weeks of HARD dieting… eating almost nothing other than chicken, broccoli and rice…

To cap it off you’ll likely train twice per day… fasted cardio in the morning and lifting in the evening.

Ask any bodybuilder and they’ll tell you the same thing… getting ready for a bodybuilding show is HELL on earth…

But it works. After 12 difficult weeks, I lost 28 pounds of fat, my abs were more defined than ever and I was RIPPED at 187 lbs.

And as you follow this kind of diet, your body begins to change…

Your insulin sensitivity goes through the roof. Your hormone levels dip. And your body becomes VERY sensitive to food.

High calorie “Bulk Up” diets work great for fast muscle gains initially.But if you continue eating excessive calories after 2 weeks, you’ll start gaining more inches to your belly than to your biceps…

​This is the biggest draw back to traditional Bodybuilding “Bulking” Programs.

Guys who go on a prolonged high calorie eating plan for 12 weeks or more in effort to fill out their frame with muscular bodyweight, usually end up getting fat in the process.

You head to your favorite restaurant with your friends and family and stuff your face with everything you can.

In my case, I go straight for the “All You Can Eat” Italian buffet with endless amounts of pizza, pasta, and desserts.

But it doesn’t stop after that. For the next WEEK, you eat WHAT you want, WHEN you want!

But I didn’t get “fat” from eating all this food…

Instead my muscles filled out like crazy and I made the most insane muscle gains imaginable. The third picture above was taken within two weeks after the show. And as you can see I was up 23 pounds and looking as huge and jacked as ever!

You see, when you begin eating again in a caloric surplus, your hormones go through the roof!

Almost every system in your body erupts in an anabolic response…

According to Dr. David Buss, the famous evolutionary psychologist at Harvard, our genes are developed from our hunter/gatherer ancestors.

Think what their lives were like:

What does this all mean for you? It means our bodies are well adapted to switch between times of high-calories and low-calories...

Leading doctor, Dr. Torbjorn Akerfeldt, head researcher from Uppsala University Hospital in Sweden has dedicated his entire life to studying “Hormone Confusion”.

In fact he completed an entire meta-analysis on the topic…

Analyzing hundreds of studies before coming to a clear conclusion… and the results showed repeated bouts of overfeeding, followed by underfeeding, is one of the fastest and most effective methods of building muscle on the planet…

Even better, all bloodwork showed a significant increase in IGF-1, testosterone and participants DOUBLED their insulin levels, all leading to increased muscle mass.

In just 12 days, participants gained 4.38 pounds of lean mass, with some subjects gaining half a pound per DAY!

That’s how powerful the hormonal boost you can expect when you switch from cutting to bulking cycles!

I wanted to find out. So…

I Began Beta-Testing This Protocol On Average Joes…The Results Were Extraordinary

I put together a beta version of “Hormone Confusion” and gave it to some of my top students to test-drive for 21-days.

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

           *Results May Vary

As we’ve discussed, the key to “hormone confusion” is constant switching between bulking and cutting cycles.

While professional bodybuilders only make the most of “Hormone Confusion” and the anabolic hormonal spikes which it produces once or twice per year…

I want to show you how to get this spike in hormones every 21 days!

In this phase, you’ll be eating in a caloric deficit, with a very specific macronutrient breakdown.

You’ll also be training in a specific way so that we can amplify your insulin sensitivity, restore your leptin, ghrelin and testosterone levels, and prepare your body for the second phase which is…

In this phase, you’ll RAPIDLY switch your calorie breakdown and eat completely different macros.

You’ll also be lifting heavy weights in the gym, following a very unique workout structure to maximize your progress with “Hormone Confusion”.

All with the goal of increasing your testosterone, growth hormone and IGF-1 leading to a vicious anabolic cocktail of hormones flowing through your body, leading to your biggest ever muscle gains.

However, it’s KEY that you eat specific macros at the specific time during both phases, otherwise you won’t get hormone confusion working for you.

Produces Meaningful Results In As Little As 21 Days

Produces Meaningful Results In As Little As 21 Days

Produces Meaningful Results In As Little As 21 Days

So What Is This Brand-NEW, Scientifically Proven Method That’s Helping Thousands Of Men Build 20-30 Pounds Of Rock-Solid Muscle While Leaning Up And Supercharging Their Testosterone?

Rather than charging hundreds of dollars… Which is what the information contained within the program is worth…

I decided to make it very affordable to everyone who wants to follow it.

I don’t want your excuse for not building your body to be… “I can’t afford it”.

Your order is risk-free because of our 60-day no questions asked guarantee!

Order Online: Any Country, Anytime 24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week / 365 Days A YearYour Order is Secure and Guaranteed

If you’re not happy with the “Cycle Bulking Diet” program for any reason, just contact me and I’ll refund your money. It’s that simple.

I stand behind Cycle Bulking as a real world gym proven muscle building system – and if it doesn’t yield positive results for you, then you’ll get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund, and we can still remain friends!

Your order is risk-free because of our 60-day no questions asked guarantee!

Order Online: Any Country, Anytime 24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week / 365 Days A YearYour Order is Secure and Guaranteed

The Cycle Bulking Diet is a strategic diet & training system that allows your body to gain lean muscular bodyweight faster than most traditional bulking programs.

The program is structured into 2 different phases.– The Low Calorie Depletion Phase.– The High Calorie Growth Phase.

The first phase of the program will prime your body for an anabolic growth rebound by making it very efficient at storing the food you eat as lean muscle.

Then once your body is primed for growth, you’ll move into the high calorie “Growth Phase”. This will trigger natural anabolic hormone production (IGF-1, Testosterone, and Insulin). During the second phase is when you’ll literally feel your body growing bigger and stronger by the day!

The key to building muscle with this program is strategically alternating back and forth between the 2 phases. With Cycle Bulking you’ll work WITH your body’s natural growth and recovery processes and NOT against them. You’ll gain new muscle tissue with every rotation of the Cycle Bulking Diet.

NO. Building muscle is NOT about force feeding and stuffing your face until you are ready to puke. That approach rarely works and it’s reason why so many guys end up gaining fat rather than gaining lean muscle when they try to gain size.

The Cycle Bulking Diet & Training System builds muscle through cycling diet and workouts so that you work with your body’s natural growth patterns. While you will be going through phases of higher and lower calories, it’s never to the extremes of stuffing or starving yourself, it’s actually a very comfortable eating plan to follow.

The Cycle Bulking Diet builds solid muscle mass. You won’t just get bloated or gain water weight, you’ll actually gain REAL muscular bodyweight. And because you’ll be cycling your weight training workouts along with your nutrition program, you’ll grow bigger and get stronger at the same time.

Now obviously, if you were to stop working out entirely and become a couch potato, then you will lose muscle. But as long as you remain active and continue to workout, you’ll keep the gains you make from Cycle Bulking, even if you stop the actual “Cycle Bulking Diet” nutrition plan.

Absolutely! You can go through as many cycles through the program as you’d like. In fact, this program is designed so that you can repeat it back to back as often as you want. With each rotation through the “Cycle Bulking Diet” you’ll grow bigger, stronger, and more muscular!

That’s totally fine, not everyone wants to look like a bodybuilder. But regardless if you want to gain a little muscle or A LOT of muscle, the same principles apply. In fact, if your goal is to simply get a “buff beach body” look, it may only take you a few months of serious training to reach that goal.

No. The entire program will become immediately available to you via download after your purchase – no shipping fees, no waiting for packages in the mail. You can literally get started your very next workout!

Yes, and I know that first hand because I’ve gotten feedback from guys in their 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s who have experienced positive results using the Cycle Bulking Diet.

Now with that being said, I’m not going to lie and say that you are going to make gains as fast as a teenager just starting out. Obviously, things are different for older guys. But regardless of age, improvement is ALWAYS possible. And the Cycle Bulking program is set up to have you building lean muscle — no matter what age you are!

The Cycle Bulking Diet can work for anyone regardless of your fitness level or workout experience. In the Forbes study on the Hormonal Response To Overfeeding the volunteers were middle age women who did not even lift weights, yet they all gained muscular bodyweight from modifying their diets.

Now even though the “Cycle Bulking Diet” can technically work without weight training, you will get much better results if you combine it with a structured workout program.

Yes! In the Forbes study on the Hormonal Response To Overfeeding the volunteers were middle age women and they all gained muscular bodyweight from modifying their diets.

Despite what myths and misconceptions you may have heard in the past, there is no such a thing as a “Woman’s” workout or a “Man’s” workout. Both men and women have the same major muscle groups, and they need to follow the same type of training in order to build those muscle groups.

The Cycle Bulking Program does not discriminate based on age, gender, or any other factor. It works across the board. So for women who are serious about fitness and are looking for something more “hardcore” than pumping out high reps with the pink dumbbells… Come on board, this program can work for you too!

Simply put, if you follow the “Cycle Bulking Diet & Training Program” as outlined in the materials, and do NOT gain more muscle than you ever have previously, just contact me and I’ll refund your money. It’s that simple.

I believe in this system and stand behind it as proven muscle building program, and if it doesn’t yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund, and we can still remain friends.

By offering this unconditional 60-day satisfaction guarantee the risk is 100% on me…The ONLY thing you need to do is try the program for yourself.

Your order is risk-free because of our 60-day no questions asked guarantee!

Order Online: Any Country, Anytime 24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week / 365 Days A YearYour Order is Secure and Guaranteed

NOTE: The “Cycle Bulking Diet & Training Program” is a downloadable series of PDF e-Books. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to download the files to your computer. The format for the e-Books is adobe acrobat PDF and can be viewed on Mac or PC.

ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products.

Please read our truthful disclaimer: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of “Cycle Bulking” products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser’s experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Due to FTC regulations, it is required that we identify what a “typical” result is. Fact is: most people who download this program today will let it sit on their computer and do nothing with it; so often times the typical result is nada, nothing, zilch. In order to actually build muscle from the Cycle Bulking Diet & Training Program you have to actually follow it. Simply buying the program will not build muscle. You are the one who is responsible for following the program, so step up and go for it! And one more thing…You should always contact your doctor before starting this or any diet & exercise program.

Lee HaywardP.O. Box 13175Station TopsailCBS, NL, A1W 2K1

Tel: 1-877-892-7435E-mail: 

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