Parkinson's Disease Book: International Best Seller


Here is everything you really need to know aboutParkinson's Disease all in one place...

If you, or someone you love, suffers from Parkinson's disease, then this is going to be one of the most important letters you'll ever read.

There's a lot of myth and misinformation floating around about this disease.

Plus, most of the authoritative answers are written in medical language that you need a medical degree to understand.

You shouldn't need to be confused about Parkinson's simply because you didn't go to medical school.

You deserve to have all the information you need in one place, written in an easy-to-understand everyday language that won't confuse you. Why should you be frustrated in your attempt to find relevant and important information?

(As if having Parkinson's disease or caring for someone with the disease wasn't challenging enough.)

Well, I'd like to share with you my experience which will help you a lot. So...

Hi, my name is Lianna Marie and back in 1991 my mother Val was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease. Needless to say, the family was devastated.

We had no idea what Parkinson's Disease was or what was in store for her, or how it would affect her life. We immediately began to ask questions such as...

These were just some of the questions we simply didn't know the answers to. This led to despair, sadness and a crushing fear of the unknown.

I mean, where should we go from here? What should we do next?

We did some things wrong because we simply didn't know any better. I really wanted to help my mother. This was an emergency situation for me and sometimes we're not our best in emergencies.

I immediately and frantically started to research any and everything I could find on Parkinson's.

I checked the bookstores ... searched the internet ... and spoke to as many people as possible about how they coped with the disease and what worked for them.

I desperately wanted to help my Mom and nothing was too much to do if I thought it would lead to finding some useful information.

After hundreds of hours searching, I began to find the answers and discovered things like:

It's taken me hundreds of hours of reading and research to figure out all this information and transform them into helpful and practical tips.

Now, over twenty-five years later, you can't even begin to imagine how much more my mom and I have learned about how to feel better, cope more effectively, be more productive and start every day filled with hope and optimism.

My mom Val and her husband Dave, 2002

Her medications are working fine and her symptoms have lessened.

She still played the piano (Oh Danny Boy is her favorite), spent lots of time puttering around in her garden and loved to travel.

She even went out dancing every now and then.

Don't get me wrong. Living with Parkinson's is a frustrating challenge at times, but overall, we've learned it's possible to still lead a healthy, happy and productive life for many years after diagnosis.

Best of all, Parkinson's didn't slow down my mom as much as we first feared.

Until you realize you CAN take back control of your life in spite of Parkinson's Disease, you won't know just how relieved and peaceful you can feel.

One day I was chatting with my mom and she mentioned how much easier, happier and more peaceful her life would have been if she had known about these things years ago.

This made me realize that there are lots of people who've been living with Parkinson's for a while, or who have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, who could really benefit from this same information.

So I've taken the time to write down everything we've learned and discovered and put it all in a new book called:

This labor of love came out of my 25 years of personal research and experience of caring for my mother.

It's a literal gold mine of information I want to share with people who have Parkinson's, or who know or love someone who does.

This book, written in plain, easy-to-understand language, teaches you everything you need to know to about Parkinson's Disease, without you guessing or searching endlessly for answers to your biggest questions.

Here's some of what you're going to discover:

I am glad you are THERE to write the book. After reading I am much clearer about some of the things that are happening to me. I reached my crisis about 18 months ago, took most of the time since to get my medicines just right, and today I am often back to feeling as good as 2 years ago. Again, thanks for being there.

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Thank you so much for writing the book - it already has answered many of my questions.

I've had PD for about 6 years - diagnosed 3 years ago. So far so good. There were about 6 other people in FT. Smith who were diagnosed the same year I was so we have a great group who meet at parties and such and talk about our ailment!!

Many thanks again for writing the book and for making it simple!!

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Lianna, What a wonderful book you have written, it has answered a lot of my questions about Parkinson's that I was not sure of before, AND NO DOCTOR WAS ABLE TO CONFIRM. I read it the same day you sent it to me.

We have been going to many Doctors with our side effects, and not one of them, including the neurologist, acknowledged they could be a part of Parkinson's Disease, my husband has every side effect that you listed in your book, therefore assuring me what we are dealing with, is the same thing many others are dealing with.......

This frees our minds as to the fact that we now know what we are dealing with (instead of the unknown) and can now deal with the life we must deal with...Instead of searching for a solution to the problem. Wasting a lot of time and MONEY.

May God Bless you and your mother on the work and research you are doing. I believe it will help many people. IT IS THE UNKNOWN THAT IS HARDEST TO DEAL WITH. I cannot say Thank you enough times...

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Thank you, to you and your mother for all of your hard work and time in putting this book together for Parkinson's people. I appreciate any information that is easy to read and understand and is also from people like you who have experienced this disease.

I am looking forward to a quiet time with my husband so we can read this together and help each other understand what we may be looking forward to now and in years to come. My husband was diagnosed with Parkinson's on Dec. 2nd 2004, so we are new to this and learning everyday.

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This book is the sum total of twenty-one years experience and research in living a life with Parkinson's Disease. It's chock-full of vital facts, helpful hints and critical information... all in one easy to read book.

Until now it would have taken you countless hours to research and find the answers to your questions. I'm so excited to be able to bring all this "peace of mind" to you bundled in one place.

I wanted to keep the price as low as possible since publishing this book is a labor of love for me. It's not how I make my living and I'm not out to get rich by selling it. But it will still cost you a lot less compared to what I paid in the hours of research that went into writing it.

That small amount helps me pay for this website and my internet fees.

Plus, I also donate a portion of each sale to Parkinson's Disease research.

I think that's a pretty fair price. After all, that's not much more than what you would pay for a family meal at McDonalds or a couple of tickets to the latest movie.

Plus, the best part is you could be reading your book in just a few minutes from now, without having to wait for the mailman to show up, and without paying a single dime for shipping or postage!

You see, this is what they call a downloadable E-Book. E-book is short for "electronic book".

Basically that means it's a book you can download right onto your computer and instantly read right away. (Just like your reading this letter right now on your computer screen.)

A couple of quick, easy clicks of your mouse and it comes straight to your computer. As soon as you place your secure order you'll have instant access to it.

That's right. No shipping to pay for... No postman to wait for... You can gain access to it right now.

And don't worry, you don't have to be a computer whiz to read it. It will work on any computer (PC or MAC) anywhere in the world... even if it's an old clunker you got years ago.

In fact, if you were able to get to this web site, then you'll have an easy time downloading and reading the book. You can read it on the screen or print it out, (or both!)... whatever you prefer! It's your choice.

PLUS, if you order today, then...

There are lots of things my mom wished she had known twenty-five years ago that would have reduced the stress and heartache of having Parkinson's disease.

If she had only know then what she knows now, she could have saved a lot of frustration and needless worry.

For example, one day she discovered a fairly common item you can buy at Wal-Mart that increases her mobility "almost magically" in less than 30 seconds.

Anytime she is experiencing downtime ( basically that means her mind has temporarily shut down control of her body and she physically can't move very well), all she has to do is use this item and she'll be up and walking in less than sixty seconds.

Yet she only made this amazing discovery a few months months ago. That means that for the first twenty-five years of her Parkinson's she had to live through the frustration (and sometimes embarrassment) of her downtime.

Imagine the freedom you could now have because of this wonderful little item. Imagine how much better your life would be if you had known about this item before.

She has discovered lots and lots of other little tips and secrets that she uses every single day to help lead a healthy, happy and productive life.

I've put 67 of these tips and secrets together to help make your life easier and they are yours, absolutely free.

Being a caregiver for someone with Parkinson's disease can be a frustrating, difficult, emotionally overwhelming, confusing and lonely time.

A lot of people who are caregivers are often unprepared mentally, physically, and emotionally for the role.

This special report is filled with practical advice for getting through the difficult challenges of caregiving with dignity, respect, hope and peace of mind.

Many people have been emailing me lately with questions regarding various types of pain that they (or their loved ones) may be experiencing with their Parkinson's disease.

My mom has had her fair share of challenges with pain, especially shoulder and leg pain, but with some help from physiotherapists, massage therapists and acupuncturists, she has been able to manage quite well.

Remember, everyone is different and so is every case of Parkinson's disease.

That's why I've put together this extra bonus for you about pain and Parkinson's... to give you answers to the most common questions, and practical tips to help soothe and ease any aches, pains or discomfort.

This very special ebook is called...

"Making Life With Parkinson's Easier: More Than 199 HelpfulTips, Advice, Stories, and Words Of Encouragement and Inspiration From People With Parkinson's All Over The World!"

I surveyed hundreds of people with Parkinson's and caregivers and asked them the following questions...

People from all over the world eagerly responded with literally hundreds of helpful tips, advice, stories and words of encouragement and inspiration they want to share with others who are also affected by Parkinson's disease.

One of my favorite contributions is from Michael in England - it made me laugh and is also very true - you can read it on page 75.

If you have any difficulties at the dinner table handling utensils, the tip on page 25 makes it MUCH easier to eat your meals.

If you ever suffer from nausea as a result of your medication, make sure you read page 45 - it might work wonders for you, too!

And there is much, much more.

So in total, you get the "Everything You Need To Know About Parkinson's Disease" e-book, all three special free bonuses, AND a FREE copy of my new 150 page "Making Life With Parkinson's Easier" e-book.

Listen, I want you to be extra-comfortable about getting your copy of this book AND I want you to know I genuinely care about helping you.

That's why I've decided to make this personal promise to you, so you don't have to worry at all. I say 'promise' because it's more than a Guarantee. Here it is...

Go ahead and order the book today. Read it from cover to cover. Learn from it. There's no rush whatsoever. Take a full 60 days (yes, two full months!) and use it as your own.

If it doesn't help you learn all you need to know about Parkinsons disease...

... or if you don't learn at least one new thing that helps you or the person you know or love lead a healthier, happier, more productive life...

... or if for any other reason whatsoever you're not 100% satisfied, simply send me an e-mail and I will refund 100% of your money instantly.

No questions asked. No strings attached. No hard feelings.

I believe it's only fair this way because you don't know me and you don't know if this information is really worth it, so you should be able to get your money back if you're not satisfied.

You might be wondering why I'm doing this.

Here's why... because I genuinely care about helping people with Parkinson's. My search for a better life for my mom has become a crusade, not only for her, but hopefully for all who suffer from Parkinson's disease.

And I know this information can help you, in the same way it has helped her.

Just imagine how more fulfilled your life can be when you have this kind of practical and down-to-earth information at your fingertips. You don't have to suffer those long years in darkness like my mother did before she made these discoveries.

Frankly, I can't understand why every Parkinson's sufferer and caregiver wouldn't take advantage of this offer.

Don't waste precious time -- remember it took twenty-one years of living with Parkinson's disease to bring you this vital information, and I am thankful for every day it has helped give my mom her life back.

Now I want to share the same life-changing secrets with you...

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Wishing you and your loved ones years of good health and happiness,

P.S. Don't forget: you have to be completely satisfied. If you're not 100% satisfied, I want you to contact me for a full and complete refund. There will be absolutely no questions asked. You will get a prompt and courteous refund. You can't lose.

P.P.S. How about your health and peace of mind? Can you imagine what it will be like to have all this information and tips and use them to improve your life? Don't you owe it to yourself (or your loved one) to get these answers today?

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Thank you very much!!!! I have downloaded and have begun reading. So far, I love the layout and easy reading!!!! Great Job!! This will be most helpful in the battles ahead. Thanks again,

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Hi Lianna, I have received your book and I am absolutely amazed by the depth of the content. Although I have just glanced through the content, I think it will prove to be a very valuable information resource for my family.

I am indeed very grateful to you for sending this to me and honouring your promise. This is a rare commodity in today's world and please keep up the excellent work you are is really helping a lot of people in the real world.

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I am going over the material now, and I want to first of all, congratulate you on such a clear presentation. The material you present me is easy to digest (without the 'doctor-speak').

I am a friend of someone who has Adult onset (she is 46, and has been diagnosed for 4 years). I look forward to finishing the material to help with my understanding, and thank you for the added material for caregivers and strategies.

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I have already downloaded the book. Thank you so much! My family and I have already been reading it. You have so much good information in there. Thank you for taking the time to do the ebook. God Bless you and your family !!

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Dear Lianna, I got your ebook and all is A-okay. I am not a computer person but my husband is. Read your book in one sitting. It is so very helpful. It is so easy to become depressed when you have Parkinson's.

Thank you for doing the research and sharing.

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Hi lianna, I think your work should be read by sufferers and carers. It would be of value to family and offspring who are not actually carers but are affected by the changed situation.

It or something like it should be given to the newly diagnosed and partner. your book is a very useful work.

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What you are doing with trying to get information out there is great. I applaud your efforts. I talk to people on a regular basis now that have been fighting PD for years and I have found these people to be some the best inspirations you could ever come across.

I am new to this so called "PD monster" and all though it scares me to think of the uncertainty of my future it has made me a better person. Don't get me wrong, I have cried about my diagnoses and I have denied it. Now I merely accept it and try to find humor in myself.

Strange to think that it took something like Parkinson's to teach me to laugh at myself. I believe PD can humble you but it can't defeat you unless you let it. The people of the "Parkinson's community" have been the most supportive group I have ever encountered.

There are people there so severely disabled and grappling with pains so bad I want to cry for them-and they will still take the time to tell me it could be worse and let me know not to fear my future.

I think your book is a great way to get more information out there and information is the key to finding a cure.

Thank you for being there for your mom. As a mother( I am 36) with a young daughter and Parkinson. I fear more for her future than mine. I pray not to be an embarrassement/burden to her as I progress.I am glad to hear that you saw the strength that is in your mom. I hope my daughter will be proud of me as she grows older.

Best of luck to you in your future.

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Just wanted to let you know that I had already downloaded the books and bonuses and read a good bit of them. They have been very helpful already.

When I was first told I had Parkinson's 4 years ago (at age 49) I didn't realize how devastating an illness Parkinson's could be. As it has advanced over the past 4 years, I'm finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the disease, so anything that makes life easier is very welcome.

Many of your tips are things that I do already, but many are new to me so I'm looking forward to further easing my burden by implementing them.

In fact, if I come up with anything that your mom or you haven't already identified, I'll e-mail it to you so you can share it with other Parkinson's sufferers.

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I can't thank you enough for writing this book. You did a good job.(I didn't have enough paper, so I was grabbing paper from any notebook I could find). It worked great.

Now all I have to do is to get my husband to read it. I pray soon that he will wake up and be more understaning and patient. God bless you and your family.

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I am pleased with your book as it is a valuable source of information.As I strugge with the progressive degeneration of this disease I will need all the help available to wage the good fight.Although not desperate I am under no illusions.Thank you so much for your book.

Lianna, I have downloaded the book and printed it out in hard copy. It was so fast and easy I have begun to read it and so far, it sounds like you did a lot of intensive research. Thank you for this book!

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While searching for Parkinsons information, so luckily I came upon your Everything You Really Need to Know About Parkinsons Disease. I almost cried with joy.

That is the best source EVER!

The other disease groups should hire you to put together the same kind of "book" for their diseases as you did for Parkinsons. It is incredible! Lianna, you have made getting knowledge about this disease so easy for the layman.

I want to thank you, Lianna, for your newsletters, and your attentiveness in helping a new member to the group. If there is anything I can do in any way to show my appreciation for all you've done: putting me a ease; helping me to zero in on a disease; and just for extending yourself, making me so comfortable in feeling that you want to help someone, I would appreciate your telling me.

And to have you, a person, who on her own, decided to check to see if I got what I was concerned about, made my day, and just made me feel that, yes, there are people who go that extra mile to help a frustrated individual. And that's what I hope I do in my job.

Many, many, thanks, Lianna, you are special! You care! You go that extra mile to help someone!

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