Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet


Growing old can be dangerous.

I know from real-world experience the trail is treacherous and the pitfalls are many.

The decline in hormones… the age-related inflammation… the unexpected joint pain...

The wrinkles we never expected to see when we wake up and look in the mirror each morning...

The lack of energy for sex every night when we go to sleep. It seems like it just happens overnight…and it can be really depressing.

I'm 47-years old so it's not like I didn't know it was coming. It's not like the mirror kept the process a secret.

It’s not like we are blazing a trail as we grow older... or no one has ever done it before. Just look at your parents and grandparents.

And it presents several metabolic challenges needing to be addressed head-on for anybody in their 40s, 50s, and 60s who wants to live longer, look younger, and eliminate unwanted flab...

... Challenges that can disrupt hormones and damage your metabolism, increasing fat-storage while accelerating aging both inside and outside of your body.

If growing old catches you by surprise, like it did us, don’t beat yourself up!

It could be that all of your life has prepared you for this moment... which is why I’m writing you today...

… To introduce you to a 1-day evidence-based fat loss blueprint that can help you REVERSE this rapid hormonal decline that happens to all of us after we turn age 40.

Eliminate OVER-40 ‘Menopause Belly’ Fat, Stubborn Abdominal Fat & Love Handles[1]

REACTIVATE Your Body’s MASTER Hormones (increases daily energy and sex drive)[2]

Look & Feel YEARS Younger (increase lifespan—while avoiding deadly diseases) [3-6]

Reignite & BOOST The Over-40 Aging Metabolism [7]

Rebalance The ‘Key’ Hormones Which ELIMINATE Aches & Pains[8]

Regulate Your Metabolism To Reduce Fat-Storing Inflammation [8]

Control Blood Sugar & Stabilize Insulin (fight diabetes and burn even MORE fat) [9]

In just a minute I’m going to share how my 58-year old wife’s near-death battle with colorectal cancer (which forced her into ‘premature’ menopause) led to the discovery of this 1-day anti-aging blueprint…

Transforming her body in record time—helping her lose 22 pounds after she suffered from a condition now known as, ‘Menopause Belly’.  

My name is Shaun Hadsall, and over the course of my 20+ years of being a fitness professional I’ve earned the nickname the ‘Ripped Grandpa’ for reasons I’ll share with you in just a minute...

If you’re having reservations or doubts after reading the list of amazing health benefits I just covered, I can certainly understand why.

By the time we reach our 40s, 50s and 60s our skepticism is naturally at its all-time high because we’ve been exposed to so many scams, quick fixes and misleading weight-loss promises over the years…

Which is why I’ve placed corresponding numbers in brackets linking scientific proof from published research studies to each anti-aging benefit you’ll receive from following this 1-day fat-burning breakthrough.

Before I share exactly how you can use this evidence-based blueprint to RESET your body’s MASTER fat-burning hormones—while losing up to 1 pound PER DAY—it’s important to understand what happens to your body after you turn 40 years old…

If you’re over 40 years old and you’re thinking the ‘good-ole-days’ are behind you—I’m here to tell you it doesn’t have to be this way because it’s really not your fault.

You are not weak. You do not need to exercise more. You do not need more discipline. You do not need more willpower. It’s not your genetics. And it’s really NOT your age—or even your metabolism to blame...

And inside this special health report you’ll discover precisely why this happens—and how you can quickly RESET your current hormonal condition using the simple-to-follow 24-hour fat-burning secret below.

After 20 years of researching dozens of hormones and just about every diet you can think of[2]… helping over 350,000 Facebook fans and 100,000+ online clients lose weight and get into the best shapes of their lives...

I’ve finally identified three problems of the Over-40 metabolism that MUST be addressed in order for you to live longer, look younger and quickly reactivate your body’s declining hormones for faster fat loss.

Did you know? After 40 years of age our body’s "youth hormones" plummet dramatically.

This is a scary condition called "somatopause"… also known as ‘Growth Hormone Age-Related Deficiency’ and it eventually leads to excess fat storage (especially in the lower and upper belly region), declining energy levels, skin wrinkles, weak bones and lower sex drive.[10,11]

When you were in your 20s and 30s you didn't need this hormone to lose fat... but now that you're over 40, reactivating this hormone is the key to ‘unlocking’ your fastest fat loss.

Thankfully, the latest science[12] has revealed a brand-new ZERO-EFFORT daily trick you can now use to avoid these negative side effects by ‘reactivating’ your declining growth hormone by as much as 1200%.

Did you know? Today’s most popular weight loss plans like the Paleo, Ketogenic, Plant-based, Raw and Vegan diets are NOT designed for the metabolism of people over 40…

UCLA and CNN have both reported the continuous research[13,14]…

Diets focused on cutting carbs and calories have been shown in scientific research to be a consistent predictor of weight ‘regain’ because they cause severe metabolic slowdown…

… lowering the amount of calories you burn by as much as 700 calories per DAY, making it nearly impossible to lose the ‘stubborn’ fat stuck on your belly and backside.

Believe it or not, avoiding your favorite high-carb cheat foods is the main reason why this happens... may sound crazy, yet it’s just a matter of knowing WHEN to eat them based on your current hormonal condition so it works in your favor.

Did you know? If you’ve been alive for more than 4 decades (like Karen and I have) the constant stress from the overconsumption of processed foods… the ‘hidden’ sugars… the toxins… the pollution… and the common pressures of everyday life cause a quick and dramatic hormonal decline.

Attempting to correct this problem using any of today’s most popular low-carb diets containing too little food spells disaster because it only accelerates this process[15].

The New York Times recently published a detailed article[16,17] citing a recent scientific study[15] showing low-carb and low-calorie diets lead to hormonal imbalances and the body quickly responds by lowering leptin levels…

Studies in scientific journals also show leptin-influenced weight gain can inflame and aggravate the thyroid gland.[18,19]

Now you can see why people over 40 need to eat differently than younger people...

The age-related Growth Hormone deficiency[20]… the slowing metabolic rate[21]… the accelerated hormonal decline[22]…

Combine each of these ingredients and you have a poisonous metabolic cocktail making it nearly impossible for people over 40 years old to lose ‘stubborn’ fat.

This is why people in their 40s, 50s or 60s MUST eat differently than younger people in order to ‘rebalance’ their hormones and avoid today’s deadliest diseases.

If it wasn’t for my wife’s cancer journey this 1-day fat-burning secret would NOT even exist.

I have ONE person (and one person only) to thank for stumbling across this 24-hour hormone optimization secret… my beautiful bride Karen.

In reality, she’s my hero… the most unselfish wife, mom and nana I know…

And as you’ll soon discover, her real-life story of overcoming hormonal imbalances is nothing short of miraculous.

It all started a few years after we first got married when out of the middle of nowhere we received the devastating news… Karen tested positive for colorectal cancer.At her first screening appointment, the nurses told us people who had her type of cancer only have a 12% chance of living five years or longer after treatments…

It brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it… racing thoughts each day about how I could ever live my life without her.

Seeing the devastation on her face… hearing the panic in her voice after she talked to the doctor.

As you can probably imagine, we were both overwhelmed with worry and emotion…

Would she live long enough to see our grandchildren grow up?

Would she be able to babysit them, feed them, change their diapers and listen to them giggle?

Would she hear the first word they ever spoke?

Would we see our ‘golden years’ together?

All these unanswered questions haunted her day and night.

Within just a few short weeks of the medical industry poisoning her body with harmful painkillers, chemotherapy and radiation treatments Karen had severe ovary damage...

The negative metabolic side-effects took an immediate toll and sent her into a deep depression.

She felt her days were numbered... and the chances of her ever being normal again were slim to none.

I’ll NEVER forget when they administered her chemotherapy treatment for the first time. I was there squeezing her hand when they put the needle into her arm.

They opened the valve on the chemo bag... the chemo slowly started flowing through the tube directly into her veins… then I sat there and painfully watched as her skin turned yellow.

It was almost as if I could see her getting older right before my eyes. Watching Karen have to go through this was one of the most difficult moments of my life.

The next six weeks was the most stressful time of our marriage. She was on five different medications, she looked like she had aged 10 years...

Not only was Karen storing excess fat in very unusual places like the upper belly region… she was complaining of joint pain that prevented her from exercising or going on walks… her menstrual cycles were irregular… and she struggled with insomnia nearly every night...

I remember having to carry her from the car into a wheelchair just so she could make it into treatments. It was heartbreaking for me… exhausting and overwhelming for her.

Although we were lucky to catch her cancer soon enough to save her... her metabolism and hormones were destroyed.

And no matter HOW hard Karen tried to lose belly fat afterwards, NOTHING changed.

Was it too much stress? Was it too much exercise? Was it the chemo and radiation? Was it bad genes? I don't know.

But the one thing I DO know for SURE is more exercise and dieting didn't help… it only made matters WORSE.

She maintained a healthy diet. She tried cutting carbs and calories. She tried doing LONGER cardio sessions. She even resorted to using hormones… NOTHING worked.

The Karen I once knew… the happiness… the confidence… the ‘glow’… all of them were gone… for sure, she had reached an all-time low.

Even though I witnessed some of her weight-loss struggles in the past, this was the WORST spot I EVER saw her in.

I also noticed she started wearing baggy pajamas to bed to hide her body from me because she was so embarrassed about how she looked.

If you have ever felt this way because you’ve been so frustrated with your belly fat or embarrassing weight gain, my wife has felt your pain.

And if you have, it’s because you’re probably not eating in a fashion to optimize your current hormonal state—just like Karen.

And that’s why I actually carried a TON of the burden and guilt… because I felt like the hormonal decline and age-related weight-gain was MY fault.

After all, I'm the fitness professional who told her to follow the usual advice… the same advice you’ve probably tried over and over again in the past.

I was at a fork in the road. All the knowledge I acquired. All the energy I spent learning.

All the direction I gave people on TV over the years.

All the magazines I was featured in… being voted America’s Most Fit Health & Fitness Pro by Club Solutions magazine… placing 1st Runner-Up Grand Champion in the world-renowned Body for Life™ contest...

I finally had to admit the REAL truth about my entire career…

I knew it was NOW or NEVER.

If I didn’t help Karen get rid of her “Cancer-Induced Menopause Belly” there’s no telling what would happen to her health, our marriage or our future.

From that day forward I VOWED to do WHATEVER it takes to make sure Karen never felt this way again… EVER.

I was determined to find answers so I started to research how EVERY hormone responds when women and men in their 40s, 50s and 60s follow today’s most-popular diet and exercise strategies.

The next day Karen was babysitting our grandkids so I decided to drive to the library where I could enjoy some peace and quiet...

I intentionally left my laptop in my car because my only goal was to jump on Google and search for published studies on individual hormones (you’ll learn how you can optimize each one in just a minute)...

Little did I know the old library computers in South Lyon, Michigan had not been updated in over 20 years so the only thing that popped up when I did a search for ‘hormone remedies’ was historical studies and quotes.

While there really wasn’t much to choose from, I can remember exactly where I was sitting when I started reading the factual and verifiable articles about this one particular hormone-resetting strategy.

It was very eye-opening to see the list of historians touting its amazing benefits…

Greek philosopher Plato (nicknamed for his lean physique and broad shoulders who died at 80 years old 347 BC!) used this 1-day metabolic trick for...

Herbert Shelton (lived until 89 years old), an expert on this particular 24-hour protocol said…

Benjamin Franklin (lived until he was 84 in the 1770s!) touted it as…

Upton Sinclair who was born in the 1800s (a time when life-expectancy was only 30 to 40 years old) lived to the ripe age of 90 using this strategy… afterwards he published research on the personal account of…

After reading about the historical facts, figures and studies within the public records at the library I rushed home to do more research on this rarely talked about 1-day youth-enhancing trick.

I knew there HAD to be some new science and research to support what I had just discovered.

The first thing I did was reach out to my close friend, Dr. Brad, who is a world-renowned Nutritional Scientist and Researcher...

Sure enough, he followed up a few days later and sent me over a dozen studies confirming what the greatest minds in history had reported was 100% factual.

Dr. Brad also shared some other surprising news… he sent me an email saying...

“Shaun, I know it’s not mainstream—and probably never will be—but I know a bunch of ‘in the know’ Hollywood alternative doctors and they’re using this on older celebrities—many are touting this 24-hour diet trick as being…

For faster fat-loss… for younger looking skin… for improved energy… for disease prevention… it’s one of the world’s best kept fat-burning secrets.

Before sharing this unique 1-day hormone-resetting protocol with Karen I knew I had to show her real-life PROOF.

Considering every bit of conventional diet and exercise advice I had just given her didn’t work—her skepticism was naturally higher than ever.

So the first thing I did is put this 24-hour diet trick to the test a few days per week while taking weekly progress picture to PROVE it worked because I knew it was backed by published studies and scientific research about how the body’s hormones respond after 40.

Not to mention I had just turned 47 a few months earlier so my age-category was a perfect fit.

Now I know when you look at the pictures below you’ll most likely notice I was in decent shape when I started… (and I should be considering I’m a fitness professional).

But in the midst of the current circumstances I had fallen into a rut—so I knew this was good timing for me to find the motivation to test things out and get back on track.

Hey, sometimes it takes a tragedy to get the ball rolling...

After just 25 days the changes to my body were obvious...

And here’s the thing… my training plan stayed exactly the same. I used 12-minute bodyweight workouts (and exercise is not even mandatory for it to work)...

Of course, I’m sure I also burned a ton of calories chasing my grandkids around playing baseball and jumping on the trampoline… mostly because I had a newfound pep in my step!

How did I make such a dramatic change in such a short amount of time?

After my June 30th picture was taken Karen was so proud of me that she surprisingly became inspired to give it a shot!

At this point she had nothing to lose so I told her, “Honey, just try it for one week. If you don’t see results like I did I'll do laundry for the next week. You know how much I hate doing laundry!”

Little did I know… this 24-hour hormone rebalancing blueprint would be so powerful… so effective it would transform her body and save her from the living nightmare she was experiencing…

Helping this grandma (now I call her Super Nana) lose 8 pounds of menopause belly fat in the first 7 days.

Miraculously transforming her ‘Menopause Belly” to THIS…

And then another 18 pounds the next few weeks reversing 100% of her symptoms from cancer and premature menopause—saving her from a lifetime of resorting to deadly prescription medicines, surgeries, and dangerous hormone replacement—leaving her doctors scratching their heads in amazement wondering how she did it.

While making her suddenly look at least 10-15 years younger than her real age… eliminating all her embarrassing belly fat… erasing her joint pain, sending her energy levels SOARING and giving her a newfound sense of confidence and self-esteem she thought she would never get back.

WITHOUT going to a gym… or being a slave to cooking healthy food all day because she was already overwhelmed having to take care of our 5 grandchildren and working a full-time job…

She did it without having to perform those long, tedious and boring cardio sessions...

WITHOUT suffering through another one of those knee-jarring DVD infomercials..

No cutting carbs. No low-calorie crash dieting or starving herself to death… or having to buy expensive and potentially dangerous supplements.

In fact, as you’ll soon discover inside the solution below Karen did it all, while drinking wine… eating chocolate...

… even while indulging in her favorite carbs thanks to this one simple 24-hour weight loss loophole specifically designed for people in their 40s, 50s and 60s.

For the first time in years she was excited to wake up and spring out of bed like a jackrabbit, full of energy and eager to see her body in the mirror and enjoy how much better it looked than the day before.

Turns out Karen’s cancer journey ended up being a blessing in disguise in both of our lives because it led to what could be...

If you're a man or woman who is in their 40s, 50s, 60s—or even your 70s—keep reading because I’ll show you how you can RESET your body’s MASTER fat-burning hormones in as little as ONE day—just like Karen did.

Because it's not your age or even your metabolism creating all your weight loss struggles... it’s the long-term hormonal damage caused by the world's most popular low-carb diets.

And that's what makes this 24-hour hormone resetting solution so exciting for people like us. I can tell you from first-hand experience...

It's specifically designed so ANY person in their 40s, 50s—and even seniors in their 60s can use it to "turn back father time" by resetting their current hormonal condition.

If you have 10 or more pounds to lose… if you’re OVER 40 years old… and you suffer from any of the following symptoms like Karen experienced then your hormones have been compromised making you the perfect candidate for using this powerful and effective strategy which can help you lose up to ONE pound per day.

Insomnia or Interrupted Sleep

Belly Bloat or Water Retention

If you answered "YES" to one or more of these symptoms of aging then the ROOT cause of YOUR STUBBORN BODY FAT is due to a serious hormonal imbalance and it can easily be RESET in as little as 24-hours using the solution below…

But it only works for people OVER 40 years old who are willing to avoid the world’s three most popular diets below which cater to the metabolism and hormones of younger people.

Day after day, week after week, year after year we see it more and more…

The latest research[23,24] across the board reveals today’s most popular diets actually work completely against the metabolisms and hormones of people over 40...

We’ve all seen how easy it is for younger men and women to quickly lose weight and transform their bodies using just about ANY type of low-calorie or low-carb diet.

But it only takes a week or two before today’s most popularized diets disrupt the hormones of people over 40...

The paleo diet can be extremely effective for weight-loss when it comes to all age categories because it mimics the diet of cavemen living in the stone age ... meaning it excludes all processed foods, including dairy, grains, beans, sugar and salt.

On paper, it seems like the magical solution to our weight-loss problems because it's a low-carb diet rich in lean meats, fish, seafood, berries, vegetables, eggs and nuts. However...

This presents several hormone-disrupting pitfalls for people over-40 years old because baby-boomers and seniors have different metabolic needs than younger people.

According to doctors and researchers, following the paleo diet may lead to nutrient deficiencies and other possible health risks.

For example, a recent study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows the paleo diet can create iodine deficiencies.[25] This contributes to metabolic problems because iodine is necessary for your body to produce thyroid hormones—the gland that regulates your body weight and metabolism.

Dr. Margo Denke, a former professor of medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical School in Dallas, commented on the study by saying, “The paleo diet eliminates the major sources of dietary iodine in the typical diet today.”

There was more published science from Edith Cowan University, people following the paleo diet also report instances of diarrhea, higher rates of tiredness and trouble sleeping due to low levels of melatonin.

Furthermore, because paleo LACKS healthy dairy and adequate varieties of fiber it can negatively impact our digestive health where 80% of our immune system resides.

You can still get all the benefits of eating paleo-based foods—WITHOUT the hormonal damage—simply by choosing the Over-40 Hormone Boosting Foods inside the solution below.

The ketogenic diet (keto for short) is one of the hottest ultra-low-carb trends in the world right now because it has several proven therapeutic benefits.

It was first discovered in 1924 by a Mayo Clinic doctor as a treatment for epilepsy in young children. Patients were restricted to just 10–15 GRAMS of carbohydrates per day, minimal protein and a whopping 75% from fats.

This extremely high fat intake forces the body to produce ketones for fuel, which will eventually put your body into a metabolic state called "ketosis".

When this happens, the body supposedly uses more fat for energy. However… because our bodies love to run on fuel from carbs and protein this creates a downward spiral of metabolic problems known as the “KETO FLU.”

The scientific and medical communities have now identified and reported the following side-effects from going ‘keto’...

Reduced Physical & Mental Performance

Digestive Discomfort & Constipation

Muscle Weakness & Fatigue

Suppressed Thyroid Hormones & Leptin Function

If the side-effects aren’t enough to deter you from the misery the food limitations surely will…

You see, the second you eat too much protein from bacon or your favorite steak… the second you drink a bit too much alcohol… the second you want to munch on fresh fruit to satisfy your sweet tooth... or you decide you want just a bite of pizza or bread…

Your body stops producing ketones.

And research shows it can take the body weeks… sometimes months to enter back into a true state of ‘ketosis’, which means EVERY time you want to indulge you have to start over again.

Fortunately, you can easily coax your body into producing ketones whenever you want… while still consuming ‘High-Fat-Keto-Friendly’ foods like steak, eggs, butter, and cheese.

The secret to making it work is combining them with other ‘hormone-boosting’ foods the right way so it caters to your hormones.

Even though it seems like sacrificing your favorite meats, eggs, dairy and other animal-based proteins would be an ideal choice to lose weight, avoid heart disease and improve your digestive system… the research points in the exact opposite direction.

At first, people typically feel great making the radical change of eating only plant-based foods… then the deficiencies rear their ugly heads.

Any person following this type of diet for an extended period of time ends up reporting all kinds of undesirable side-effects such as...

Fatigue, inflammation, acne, bloating, digestive distress, low libido, lack of energy, muscle loss and decreased exercise performance.

Doctors have determined the many valid reasons for this happening... look no further than the science and research.

According to Dr. Ray Peat, PhD, the approved protein sources for a vegan or vegetarian diet rank about 15 times lower than high quality animal proteins. In fact, the protein quality is so low the liver won’t respond to the thyroid.

Lack of animal proteins also makes the body deficient in digestive enzymes—preventing the production of HCL (hydrochloric acid) in your stomach which breaks down proteins.

The vegan and vegetarian lifestyle also has vitamin deficiencies which are critical for hormone production, including lack of calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B12, vitamin D, folate and iron…

Lack of vitamin A is also a huge problem for plant-based eating because it’s extremely important for thyroid function, fertility, a healthy immune system, eye health and fighting fatigue.

Blacklisting certain food groups or placing certain food groups ‘off limits’ interferes with your body’s hormones, the leading cause of metabolic slowdown and ‘rebound’ weight-gain.

Which is exactly why plant-based vegan and vegetarian diets are terrible for your digestive health (80% of your immune system), your belly fat, your metabolism and your hormones…

Especially if you’re over 40 years old.

And let’s not forget this type of diet is nearly impossible to adhere to if you want to enjoy ANY type of social life because you can’t eat at parties or restaurants from the severe food choice restrictions.

There are plenty of ways to incorporate healthy plant-based foods into your diet without following a bunch of strict, complicated, silly rules that destroy your social life and ultimately create dangerous deficiencies while wreaking havoc on your hormones.

On the surface all three of these popular diets SEEM like great choices—but it only takes a few weeks before the negative side-effects take their toll.

The biggest problem with all three of these diets isn't just the deficiencies… the decline in energy… the restriction and deprivation...

The compound effect is a vicious cycle that leads to unfortunate (and inevitable) consequences…

It’s easy to see. The pitfalls of following the latest conventional diet trends are not worth the risk for ANY person in their 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

Which is exactly why we created this hormone-boosting solution…

Each solution is strategically designed for your current hormonal state so they "feed" off each other creating a synergistic effect.

When you combine all 3 solutions together the boost is so powerful within just a few days you’ll SEE a flatter belly and feel YEARS younger than you do now—all while ‘rebalancing’ your hormones and ensuring easy, sustainable weight loss...

WITHOUT plateaus, metabolic slowdown, hunger or cravings.

There are a few secret meal-timing tricks I discovered while helping Karen that healed her metabolism and snapped her weight-loss plateau after her cancer journey.

Timing your meals in this fashion has been shown in extensive scientific research to ‘reactivate’ your body’s Growth Hormone levels up to 1200% — WITHOUT dieting OR exercising![26]

Medical doctors and scientists who are ‘in the know’ say this Growth Hormone BOOST is responsible for activating chemicals in your brain that are 200 times more powerful than drugs like morphine… but, it’s not artificial so you become energetic, zestful and focused each day.

Surprisingly, this simple strategy is NEVER talked about by fitness professionals and personal trainers—yet it puts your body in the PERFECT hormonal state for the highest energy and easiest fat loss...

And it starts happening on the very first day you use this over-40 meal-timing secret.

When you get hungry, and especially when you have those nagging food cravings that just won’t go away, ghrelin is to blame. You may think it’s a lack of willpower, but in reality, it’s an abundance of ghrelin.

If you’re over 40, conventional meal timing methods program your stomach to secrete frequent pulses of the hunger-hormone, ghrelin, leading to ever-increasing hunger and cravings.

The newest studies now show snacking (even if it’s healthy) and eating 5-6 times per day does NOT speed up metabolic rate OR increase weight-loss.[27]

There's a simple meal timing method you can use instead—only a few days per week—that resets your ghrelin ‘pulses’ helping you ELIMINATE hunger and cravings once and for all, while leaving you feeling full and satisfied—even late at night!

When this simple meal-timing ritual is followed just a few days EACH hormone above will be optimized so your body can enter into the perfect fat-burning environment for Hormone RESET Solution #2 to work its magic...

Strategically combining the right hormone-boosting foods the right way determines the difference between your body ‘burning’ fat… and ‘storing’ fat.

There are 3 ‘key’ hormones that will be ‘rebalanced’ from using solution #2…

Insulin is known as the ‘fat-storing’ hormone because when it is present inside your body it makes using stored fat for energy virtually impossible.

As you age you become more insulin resistant which leads to excess belly fat, diabetes and even heart disease.

And here’s the kicker… EVERY time you eat, insulin is secreted, which can mean more potential fat-storage (even when you’re eating 'clean'). The secret to minimizing insulin spikes each day is strategic-food combining with ‘hormone-boosting foods’.

For example, there's ONE healthy food you should NEVER eat by itself if you’re over 40 because it disrupts your master fat-burning hormones within just minutes after consuming it.

There’s also one common DEADLY food-combination men and women in their 40s, 50s and 60s should AVOID at all costs because it quickly induces fat-storage and inflammation inside your body.

However… when you combine with the RIGHT hormone-boosting foods together it KEEPS your body in ‘fat-burning-mode’… it does this by stabilizing blood sugar and minimizing the release of insulin.

This opens the hormonal pathway which allows your body to use stored fat for energy, increasing your daily energy levels, while fighting against diabetes and heart disease.

It also lowers levels of your body’s ‘belly fat hormone’—cortisol...

When cortisol levels are unbalanced or chronically elevated, it can give you fatty deposits on your face, neck and belly and adversely affect your health (MayoClinic.com) in several different ways[28]...

It’s obvious from this extensive list… cortisol imbalances are nothing to mess with and strategic food-combining is one of the ‘hidden’ secrets to helping people over 40 ‘rebalance’ their cortisol cycle.

The benefits you’ll experience from resetting this hormone include healthier blood pressure, reduced inflammation, a stronger immune system and LESS fat-storage...

Additionally, when you combine the right fat-burning foods—at the right times—the cortisol balancing effect sets your body up for your deepest, restorative sleep EVER...

Melatonin levels naturally decrease with age[29], so it becomes more and more difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

When your cortisol levels have been reset, it coaxes the body to release melatonin each night helping you fall into a deep-restorative sleep.

Melatonin is also critical for maintaining your body’s circadian rhythm, so you feel alert and energized in the mornings and sleepy at night before bed—like you’re supposed to.

When you release adequate amounts of this ‘sleep hormone’ by using the proper hormone-boosting food combinations it positively affects your metabolic health in several different ways...

Smooth functioning of the immune system

Powerful antioxidant protection

There’s a simple hormone-optimizing food combination to eat before bed that will induce restful sleep, while helping you wake up feeling energized, refreshed and ready to take on another day.

One of these foods in particular tastes just like dessert but it’s actually loaded with a hefty dose of melatonin.

Combining ‘hormone-healing’ proteins, carbs, and fats in a strategic way is what caters to the metabolic condition of people in their 40s, 50s and 60s to help ‘rebalance’ insulin, cortisol and melatonin in as little as 24 hours.

Remember, if you're over 40 you must eat DIFFERENTLY if you want to live longer, look younger and consistently lose weight.

However, WITHOUT using Over-40 Hormone RESET Solution #3 this effect is severely diminished because it stimulates your body’s two metabolism regulating hormones… leptin and your thyroid.

Cheat meals and cheat days are very popular, but they’re often abused leading to excess bloating, fat storage and digestive discomfort.

However, when you strategically shift it to the correct way based on your age category by following our 1-day rapid fat loss blueprint it becomes a secret weapon—helping increase two of your body’s most important hormones.

Leptin is the MASTER hormone of the fat-burning metabolism...

Whenever you follow conventional diet wisdom and try eating all your calories early in the day, while cutting carbs, the body responds accordingly and leptin levels nose dive.

Research shows low leptin levels can then inflame the thyroid[19]—so it ends up being a double-edged sword because it instantly induces metabolic slowdown.

This puts the brakes on your metabolic rate and creates a hormonal environment extremely conducive to fat storage—also known as ‘rebound weight gain.’

Furthermore, the #1 building block of your thyroid hormones is glucose[30] from your favorite high-carb cheat foods.

This is why counting calories and cutting carbs does NOT work for people over 40 years old.

The answer to this dilemma?

Strategically timed Over-40 Hormone Boosting High-Carb Cheat Meals!

This is one of my ‘hidden’ secrets to helping people OVER 40 prevent weight-loss plateaus and to enjoy effortless and consistent fat-loss.

Even though it goes completely against the grain of today’s most popular diets...

… eating MORE ‘Over-40 Hormone Boosting High-Carb Cheat Meals’ will RESET leptin levels each week helping your body produce more thyroid hormones—all while INCREASING metabolic rate (and maintaining your sanity).

Look no further than a study from 2011 published in the prestigious Journal of Obesity which found those who focus solely on hormones lost 65% MORE weight than those who counted calories.[31]

My 58-year old wife’s inspiring story is the perfect example… once she started strategically eating pizza, pasta and her favorite sweet treats at the RIGHT times each week she was able to ‘rebalance’ her leptin levels and thyroid hormones—helping her lose 22 pounds in only 10 weeks.

By avoiding today’s most popular low-calorie and low-carb diets and replacing them with the hormone rebalancing diet roadmap below, you will REAWAKEN your "youth hormones," opening the door for your body to release "trapped" fat cells in as little as 24 hours.

In just a few days per week you can permanently UPGRADE your metabolism to use 'stubborn' fat as your FIRST source of fuel – just follow the 24-hour anti-aging blueprint below!

If you insist on waking up to a big, insulin-spiking breakfast each day… if you think you need to 5-6 eat small meals every day or nibble on healthy snacks every few hours...

If you have a phobia about eating carbs and cheat meals in fear of gaining more unwanted flab… if you think you need to cut calories and follow conventional low-carb dieting wisdom...

If this describes your mindset and you aren’t willing to try an approach that caters to your age category—this solution is NOT for you.

However…  if you want to SEE your body change quickly in as little as 24 hours just follow my step-by-step blueprint below to start losing up to one pound per day while RESETTING your body’s MASTER fat-burning hormones.

It’s specifically designed for your age AND your current "hormonal condition".

NO suffering through late-night cravings and hunger.

NO guilt or regret about eating cheat foods or enjoying your favorite adult beverages.

NO more feeling old and ‘achy’ all the time.

And NO exercise required (unless you want to use our plan below for people over 40!).

There it is in black and white… 8 obvious reasons why today’s most popular weight loss diets do NOT cater to the current hormonal condition of people over 40.

And honestly… it really doesn’t matter what your age, gender or current condition is...

If you want to lose weight following plans like the paleo, ketogenic or plant-based diets it requires two things none of us want to deal with for more than a week or two at most… willpower and discipline.

I’m 47 years old and one thing I’ve learned over the last 20 years as a fitness professional who’s helped well over 200,000 people across the globe is this...

Willpower and discipline come in small spurts that NEVER last... If you’re over 40 and you’re struggling to lose body fat remember—it’s NOT your age or your genetics.

It’s your HORMONES. But procrastinating could be the death of you—literally.

After we turn 40 the speed of our lives accelerates. And next year will go by even faster.

There's NO way we can slow it down.

Ask your mom or your dad how fast their lives went by. It's a blur.

And as you age, you’re supposed to evolve.

But is your body evolving? Or is it aging rapidly?

The time to take action is NOW because if you don’t then your body fat and poor health could continue to haunt you.

We've personally experienced the pain through Karen's cancer journey...

It hindered the romance in our marriage... it negatively affected our first impressions... it threatened the time we spent with our kids and grandkids.

It's made our time at the beach and on vacations uncomfortable... it's zapped precious energy from our lives and even hurt our self-confidence!

And if we wouldn't have taken action quickly it could have completely destroyed our health and even took us to an early grave.

Listen, we won't let ANY of these things happen to you!

And we don't want to see you end up like "everyone else" who goes through life settling for less!

We all want to look and feel our best so we can give the world everything we’ve got. Yet, this is so hard to achieve when our health feels out of control.

Today, all that can change. Just tap into the power of this 24-hour hormone resetting solution specifically designed for your current hormonal state…

Before I Tell You The Strategy We Used To Get You The Lowest Price Possible...

An easy-to-follow diet guide that shows you exactly how to eat for maximum OVER 40 hormone optimization and faster fat loss.

How to use strategic meal timing and simple food combinations to RESET and optimize every fat-burning hormone, while keeping your body burning stubborn fat all day long...

Simple, follow-along nutrition charts showing you the BEST foods to eat and WHEN to eat them for the most powerful, hormonal effect (includes the precise calories and gram ranges to use daily)...

The PERFECT Hormone-Boosting, High-Carb Cheat Meals to accelerate your results even faster (delicious too!)…

How to make the OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet your new "way of life" WITHOUT sacrificing ANY of your favorites foods ever...

It never seems easy to follow a fat loss diet, but it CAN be with the right help. You just need access to the very clear and simple, science-backed blueprint laid out for you inside the Over 40 Hormone RESET Diet Manual.

All you gotta do now is flip the switch and all of your most crucial fat-burning, anti-aging hormones will be reset and re-optimized in just the next 24 hours.

FACT: There is one super-simple tool which will guarantee you NEVER fall off track for the rest of your 'OVER 40' weight-loss journey...

A Follow-Along Success Tracker.

This print-off follow-along guide has been the "difference maker" for our private, paying clients because it maps out your exact day-by-day food and exercise plan….so there's ZERO guesswork.

In fact, multiple published studies confirm that tracking your daily success will directly cause faster, more visible weight loss results today AND for the rest of your life:

You’ll WANT to eat the specific foods which reset your hormones and BOOST your metabolism...plus, they taste delicious too!

You’ll ENJOY and look forward to every bite of every meal.

You’ll burn more stubborn fat (and KEEP it off).

You’ll avoid any dreaded weight loss plateaus.

You'll achieve your weight loss goals FASTER and EASIER than ever before.

As an extra-added bonus, you'll even get a simple daily “win” list which virtually guarantees you’ll get your best body in no time.

Just follow this guide STEP-BY-STEP and you'll get immediate gratification watching your weight drop by ONE pound of stubborn fat every day.

Karen and I created the Fast Start Guide because like most people we're busy, busy, busy. We have four children, five grandchildren, and a growing business to run.

If you have a busy life too and are in a hurry to get started as fast as possible, the Fast Start Guide strips the entire OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet down to the bare essentials so you can start resetting your hormones and burning off stubborn fat today.

You will have every easy-to-follow food chart you need at your fingertips so you can start feeling and seeing the body-changing effects immediately.

Plan out your first week in as little as 5 minutes, get started, and begin optimizing your hormones now.

Effective. Efficient. NO time wasting.

Scientific research proves shorter workouts will RESET your hormones better and burn MORE stubborn fat FASTER, but only when you perform specific metabolic movements the RIGHT way.

Inside the OVER 40 Hormone Reset Training Manual you will discover...

How to directly access stubborn fat up to 300% faster and BOOST your metabolism for up to 48 hours after just one 12 minute session!

The specific movement patterns specifically designed for men and women in their 40s, 50s, and 60s to increase anti-aging Growth Hormone levels 400-700%...

The exact foods you should eat before and after your 12 minute workouts to boost your energy, reset your hormones, and accelerate stubborn fat burning…

Follow-along workout charts with an easy-to-use exercise directory so you know exactly how to move for the most powerful hormone-resetting results. (No guessing needed!)

BEST of all: NO expensive equipment or gym membership is required. You only need your body weight and 12 minutes per day, a few times per week.  It’s THAT easy to see super-quick results in the mirror.

If you’re a keto lover or you’ve been thinking about trying the keto diet, we have some great news for you…

You can still get all the amazing benefits of the Keto Diet WITHOUT cutting carbs, fruits, sweets, or alcohol when you follow the guidelines inside this Free Bonus Guide.

Inside this 100% “Hormone Optimized” Keto Cheat Sheet guide you’ll get a simple step-by-step checklist of the do’s and don’ts when following The OVER-40 Hormone Reset Diet.

You’ll also discover…

10 different strategies you can use to avoid the “keto flu” side effects

A full-blown grocery list from A to Z

Sample hormone-optimized Over-40 Keto Meal Plan

A food elimination cheat sheet

The proven ingredients shown to get you into “ketosis” faster and easier than traditional ketogenic dieting

Buy THIS-Not THAT grocery checklist

In a few short minutes you’ll know EXACTLY how to get all the amazing rapid fat loss benefits and therapeutic benefits of going “keto,” while still RESETTING your body’s master fat-burning hormones.

These TOP 8 specific drinks can RESET your essential metabolism-boosting hormones, while KEEPING your body in a fat-burning environment after every single sip.

Inside this FREE fat-burning drinks bonus, you will discover:

The 1 hormone-friendly "Coffee Concoction" proven to stabilize your blood sugar, lower your BAD cholesterol, and strengthen your immune system (Plus...it tastes delicious!)

A powerful “anti-aging” elixir which can restore vital minerals in your blood, optimize your fat-burning hormones (insulin) and suppress any hunger “pangs” you may normally feel throughout the day[45] — All packed into one tiny tablespoon...

How you can use a unique “Fat Flush” Fruit Juice Drink to detox your body and wash away all the energy-sucking, fat-storing toxins that have “built up” in your body after decades of unhealthy eating...[47]

The EXACT amount (and specific type) of water you MUST drink if you want to have “youthful” looking skin, decrease uncomfortable “belly bloat,” increase your energy and even REDUCE nagging joint pain...

Speaking of water, here’s the BEST part: For every person who grabs their copy of the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet, we’ll donate a small proceed to provide fresh, clean, life-saving water to a child in need for 90 days!

Our Life-Long Friends and Their New Water Well in Leon, Nicaragua

We’re on a MISSION, and we call it “buy one, give one.”

You’ll learn all the details about our life-changing mission inside this “Giving Back Bonus” guide, along with 36 scientifically-validated tips to help boost your metabolism for greater fat loss.[48-81]

Now you can join the cause, helping us save lives while transforming your body, by grabbing your discounted copy of The Over 40 Hormone RESET Diet before our support team is bombarded with questions and we’re forced to raise the price up.

When Karen and I decided to create this blueprint we asked ourselves one question…

How can we reach as many people as possible for the absolute lowest price?

Well, thanks to the power of digital technology and our amazing customer support team we can condense what would normally cost thousands and thousands of dollars into convenient downloadable guides costing you literally pennies on the dollar.

If you think about the cost of your other alternatives it's really a no-brainer.

Or how about the REAL cost of following today's most-popular diets?

The hormonal damage. The slowing metabolism. The lack of energy and focus. The rebound weight gain.

They're not designed for your current hormonal condition… which is exactly why we want to help you avoid the pitfalls of conventional dieting!

Remember to take action NOW because this complete hormone-resetting package is digital, so our team can quickly become overwhelmed with volume from internet visitors forcing us to raise the price.

Just click Add to Cart below and download your discounted copy of the OVER-40 Hormone Reset Diet PLUS Your 5-Free Bonus Gifts!

It's completely normal if you feel like you'll NEVER lose "over 40" stubborn fat. After all, hundreds of our local clients in their 40s, 50s, and 60s felt the SAME way until they discovered our 1-Day Fat-Burning Hormone RESET solution.

In fact, we are so confident this method will work for you we'll take on ALL the risk. Take the OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet for a test drive for 90 days (3 FULL months).

If you're not blown away by the changes you see happen to your body in the next few months you pay NOTHING.

GUARANTEE #1: ANY Person OVER 40 Can Use The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet

Although men and women in their late 20s and 30s can see great results from this 1-Day Hormone Reset Solution, the BEST results come from people in their 40s, 50s, 60s... and even 70s! We promise you'll see fast results no matter what your age, gender, or current condition is. Without exception, it works for everybody.

Within the first few weeks your clothes will feel looser, your friends and family will start to take notice, and you'll feel years younger.

GUARANTEE #2: Quick Results That Last

You'll experience FAST results — especially the first week. But the best part is how you'll look and feel in weeks 2 and 3. Your energy will soar. Your brain and body will be working together. You'll LOOK visibly younger. And you'll finally be in total control of your hormones.

Even though your belly fat will "shrink" quickly, the best part is how the health of your metabolism, your blood sugar, and your heart will skyrocket.

GUARANTEE #3: The BEST Customer Service in the Industry

HANDS DOWN we have the FASTEST, most courteous customer service in the industry, and that's our promise! Our team will answer ANY and EVERY question you have within 24 to 48 hours.

In fact, we care so much that my wife Karen even takes time out of her busy day to personally reply to your emails and questions. When you join the OVER 40 Ab Solution "family," you'll NEVER be alone. We'll always be here for you or you get your money back.

Master and take complete control of your body's TOP 7 Fat-Burning & Anti-Aging Hormones to burn off and tone your MOST stubborn fat areas.[6]

Turn ON your body’s hidden ‘fat burning switch’ to permanently INCREASE your Over-40 Metabolism.

Discover the EXACT 1-Day Hormone Reset Solution you need to follow to quickly SEE your belly get flatter day-by-day, especially in the FIRST 7 days.

Know the easiest way to feast on LOTS of your favorite carbs and sweet treats, while avoiding ANY ‘rebound’ weight gain.

Banish stress in your life, BOOST your libido & fortify your immune system against sickness and disease.

Reactivate your "Fountain of Youth" to burn MORE fat and calories in 12 short minutes than a FULL hour of traditional aerobic exercise, while you BOOST your metabolic rate for up to 48 hours straight.[7]

Crush your daytime hunger & late night cravings once and for all—feel full and satisfied, even at night!

Quickly watch EVERYTHING in your life changing for the better.

Wake up EVERY day feeling years younger, with energy and excitement ready to take on your day – without hitting the snooze alarm five times…

Watch your body, your relationships, your career, your family life, your productivity levels, and even romance with your spouse improve in ways you never thought possible

"What if I've tried everything, but nothing works?"

Traditional crash diets and exercise approaches backfire after you hit 35. They destroy your metabolism, age you FASTER, and shut OFF your "Grow Younger DNA," making you PILE on more belly fat faster as every year passes.

The very nature of “trendy” fad diets destroys your motivation and results because it doesn't address the metabolic and hormonal needs of people over 40 years of age.

Today that all changes. Now you can REVERSE this vicious cycle no matter how many times you've failed in the past. We've seen countless body transformation success stories from people in their 50s, 60s, and even their 70s. It's never too late to create a "new you."

"What if I'm in my 50s, 60s, or 70s?"

The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet plan can EASILY be adjusted to match YOUR body's age and specific hormonal needs so that no matter HOW old you are… or how many limitations you have, your health will improve immediately and your body will change rapidly.

Not to mention the dozens of published scientific studies that prove it works... so it's completely safe for those in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s. Believe it or not, the majority of our success stories come from men and women between the ages of 50 and 70.

The Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet is much, MUCH more than just transforming your body or trying to look great naked. It's about taking TOTAL control of EVERY area of your life. Even if you never see stomach definition or get a "6 pack" you'll still look and feel YEARS younger than everyone else your age.

"What if I'm diabetic or have pre-diabetes?"

If you're a Type 1 diabetic we would never recommend you start any type of eating plan without talking with your doctor first. However, The Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet is VERY blood sugar and insulin friendly for those who are concerned about fighting against diabetes AND increasing insulin sensitivity.

Managing your insulin sensitivity is a trade secret to helping you get rid of belly fat, while helping you live longer than the typical person who is your age. The 24-hour hormone optimization foods you'll be enjoying on this plan have been scientifically proven to LOWER insulin and INCREASE insulin sensitivity.

We've had many Type 2 diabetics see remarkable improvements in their blood sugar levels after starting the program. Not mention controlling your insulin and blood sugar is one the BEST ways to burn belly fat when you're over 35 years old. You just have to use our easy-to-follow guidelines.

"What if I'm going through menopause or have low testosterone levels?"

Believe it or not, this 1-Day hormone reset solution works even BETTER for women who are going through menopause and men who have low testosterone because it's specifically designed for your hormonal needs.

Each hormone food protocol turns ON your "Grow Younger DNA" flooding your body with anti-aging hormones and shrinking stubborn fat cells. Simply put: it does NOT matter if you're going through menopause or suffering from low testosterone because EVERY section of this nutrition blueprint will help you lose more belly fat and tighten up your WORST problem areas by releasing fat burning and "youth" hormones 24/7 around the clock.

“What is the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet?”

This age-specific plan contains unique foods lists, nutrition plans & recipes that are specifically designed for the metabolism and current hormonal condition of people in their 40s, 50s, and 60s.

Each daily plan contains strategic nutrition guidelines that prime your body to release youth hormones that "release," shrink, and incinerate belly fat in just the first 24 hours.

You'll also receive everything you need to succeed when using this 1-Day Hormone Reset fountain of youth secret including a Diet Manual, Success Tracker, Fast Start Guide, The OVER 40 Stubborn Fat Solution Exercise Bonus Guide, and our "Giving Back" Hormone-Resetting Drinks Bonus.

“How soon will I receive my OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet package?”

When you order the digital downloadable version, you'll receive a link to download it instantly via email.

“How long does this plan take to see results?”

You'll be required to use the hormone-resetting nutrition plans on a daily basis. However, the guidelines are extremely flexible and include multiple, strategic cheat meals to keep you motivated and happy. Just simply follow our recommendations to visually see your belly get flatter within the first 7 days….or you don't have to pay a dime.

“How is this different from other programs?”

It's not designed for people in their 20s and 30s. Remember, other traditional diet methods like paleo, keto and low-fat diets will not work for people over 35 years old. That's what makes The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet different. It works in synergy with your over 40 metabolism and hormones.

“What if I'm a woman who has hormonal imbalances, will this program work as quickly for me as it does for men?”

Absolutely. In fact, this program is specifically designed to help both women and men overcome the hormonal obstacles that typically BLOCK fat loss. The Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet does not discriminate. If you are over 40 years old, it will work regardless of gender or current condition.

“What if I’m a vegetarian or have other diet restrictions such as gluten or lactose intolerance?”

Do NOT worry. We gotcha covered. The plan includes food substitution lists for vegetarians and/or people with common diet restrictions. In addition, our support team is just a click away to help you with any specific needs.

“What if I have over 30 pounds of weight to lose? Will it work for me?”

Yes. Just follow our diet guidelines and the results will come automatically.

“What if I'm down to the last 10, 15 or 20 pounds of stubborn fat? Will this program still work?”

The Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet is specifically designed to break through plateaus and sticking points so whether your goal is to lose the last 10 stubborn pounds or you have 50 pounds to lose, this plan will work. And it will work...fast.

“Will I have to deprive myself of my favorite foods and feel miserable from being calorie restricted all the time?”

We provide an entire crash course on how you can still eat LOTS of your favorite carbs WITHOUT fat storage right inside the Over 40 Hormone Reset main manual. When you discover how to time and combine your food intake the right way it's not necessary to drastically restrict calories or starve yourself.

And we HIGHLY recommend your have a "cheat day" to help SPIKE and RESET your leptin levels and improve your insulin sensitivity, which will turn ON your fat burning switch week after week.

“Will this program work if I'm under 40?”

As long as you're 35 or older you'll quickly see results, but it's not designed for younger people in the 20s and early 30s. Most of our test subjects who have experienced the best results have

“What about rebound weight gain?”

As long as you keep following our 1-day hormone reset nutrition guidelines, rebound weight gain will be a thing of the past.

“I don't like to exercise? What do I do?”

Exercise is NOT required to see amazing, visible results in just the first few days of using the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet. However, very short, strategic exercise sessions—based on your age, gender and current condition—will accelerate your fat-burning results even FASTER.

Karen and I often struggle with motivation to exercise, which is why we just block off 12 minutes in the morning, Monday thru Friday so it's out of the way. One thing that works well for us is giving ourselves a reward for completing the workouts. Our favorite reward is some red wine or dark chocolate to end our day.

“What happens if this program doesn't work for me?”

Simple. You don't pay a DIME.

If you follow the Over 40 Hormone Reset Diet and you're not floored by the results and this way of living, just contact us and we'll refund every penny. Fair enough?

Not only do we live this lifestyle and personally walk our talk, we stand behind our product as the most fun, flexible, and powerful way to see your waistline shrink. If you don't agree with us after you follow it, you get your money back. Period. No funny stuff, no hassles, no hidden clauses. Just a prompt courteous refund.

So there is literally ZERO risk. We carry the burden by standing behind our promise. We've provided the road map. Now it's up to you to take action.

“Is there research and science supporting The OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet?”

You'll see 68 referenced studies below, which have all been used to ensure every claim has been scientifically peer reviewed and validated.

And if for any reason you're not absolutely thrilled with the quality of the OVER 40 Hormone Reset Diet, simply email us at Support@GetLeanIn12.com and we'll refund your entire investment today… no hassles, and zero hard feelings.

We are 100% committed to your health, longevity, and fat loss goals so if you're not blown away with your results and the anti-aging wisdom you acquire we won't ask you for a penny. Deal?

Referenced Scientific Studies

1. Perez KS, Garber CE. Exercise prescription for the menopausal years: promoting and enhancing well-being. ACSM's Health & Fitness Journal15.3 (2011): 8-14.
2. 9 Proven Ways to Fix The Hormones That Control Weight.
3.Fasting and Growth Hormone Physiology – Part 3.
4. Goodrick CL, Ingram DK, Reynolds MA, Freeman JR, Cider NL. Effects of Intermittent Feeding Upon Growth and Life Span in Rats. Gerontology1982;28:233–241.
5. Sogawa H, Kubo C. Influence of short-term repeated fasting on the longevity of female (NZB×NZW)F1 mice. Mechanisms of Ageing and Development Vol. 115, Issue 1-2, May 2000, pp 61-71.
6. 7 Fat-Regulating Hormones That Become Out of Whack With Too Little Sleep.
7. Di Blasio A, et al. Acute and delayed effects of high intensity interval resistance training organization on cortisol and testosterone production. Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness. 2016 Mar;56(3):192-9. Epub 2014 Nov 6.
8. Johnson JB, et al. Alternate day calorie restriction improves clinical findings and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight adults with moderate asthma. Free Radic Biol Med. 2007 Mar 1;42(5):665-74. Epub 2006 Dec 14.
9. Intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction for type 2 diabetes prevention: a review of human findings.
10. Markowska AL, Mooney M, Sonntag WE. Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 Ameliorates Age-Related Behavioral Deficits. Neuroscience. 1998 Dec;87(3):559-69.
11. Lee J, Duan W, Long JM, Ingram DK, Mattson MP. Dietary restriction increases the number of newly generated neural cells, and induces BDNF expression, in the dentate gyrus of rats. Neurosci. 2000 Oct;15(2):99-108.
12. Stallknecht B, et al. Are blood flow and lipolysis in subcutaneous adipose tissue influenced by contractions in adjacent muscles in humans? American Journal of Physiology. Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2007 Feb;292(2):E394-9.
13. Mann, T. Medicare’s search for effective obesity treatments: Diets are not the answer. Am. Psychologist. 2007; 62(3): 220-233. (UCLA).
14. After dieting, hormone changes may fuel weight regain.
15. Very low calorie diets. Drug Therapy Bulletin. 2012 May;50(5):54-7. doi: 10.1136/dtb.2012.05.0104. PMID: 22573706.

16. Persistent metabolic adaptation 6 years after "The Biggest Loser" competition.
17. Why You Can’t Lose Weight on a Diet.
18. Leptin and Leptin Resistance: Everything You Need to Know.
19. Martinez B, et al. Prolonged food deprivation increases mRNA expression of deiodinase 1 and 2, and thyroid hormone receptor ß-1 in a fasting-adapted mammal. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2013 216: 4647-4654; doi: 10.1242/jeb.085290

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