Lower Cholesterol and Reduce Triglycerides Without Statin Drugs


Don't even think about touching a statin drug or waste another penny on a
worthless supplement until you read this special report...

But The Good News Is This: Even patients with sky-high cholesterol
numbers are quickly and effortlessly lowering cholesterol AND triglycerides once
they learn the secrets even their doctor doesn't know...

Are you at least a little bit concerned that high cholesterol - either for you or someone you care
about - is a ticking time bomb for a heart attack or stroke?

If yes, and you're ready to do something about it, then I'm about to put a smile on your face.

Tell me if any of these ring true for you...

Tried lowering cholesterol on your own - with no results?

Taken nutritional supplements with a lot of hype and promises - with no results?

Followed doctor recommended diet plan to a "T" - with no results?

Already suffering the miserable side effects of statin drugs - and just want a way out?

If ANY of the above describe you, then count it a blessing that you stumbled across this special
report today.

Your life (and the health of your heart) is about to change for the better.

In a minute I'll share why clients say I know more about lowering cholesterol than any
doctor they've ever talked to.

Many have confessed to me that their doctor - or maybe a family member - gave them a hard
time when they couldn't lower their cholesterol.

They made them feel like a loser - like they didn't try hard enough.

Maybe you've had that happen to you.

Having someone make you feel guilty when you're busting your butt isn't helping matters.

The thing is, your effort isn't the problem. It's those cock-a-ma-mee diet tips and bogus supplements
that are the problem!

We've had the wool pulled over our eyes for far too long now about how to reduce cholesterol.

It's no wonder your results have been pathetic when...

The so-called cholesterol-friendly diet tips have left millions of people feeling like a failure. They're
driving good people like you straight into the waiting arms of a statin drug prescription.

Too many people ae falling into this trap. To the point where cholesterol-lowering drugs are THE #1
prescribed medicine in the U.S. today.

I don't want you be another victim. So here's where I'm going to connect-the-dots for you.

You see, pharmaceutical companies are in business first and foremost to MAKE MONEY.

That's not a secret. And frankly, there's nothing wrong with that. But understand this much...

These companies have a LEGAL obligation to their shareholders to sell you as many drugs as they possibly can.

The tips being endorsed by doctors are the exact same tips suggested by the drug companies. And
these companies have a multi-billion dollar vested interest in you NOT succeeding without using their drugs. (Hmmm...)

Are the drug companies going against their shareholders and corporate bonuses to give you
the very best advice that really work?

Or are they "playing the game" to line their pockets with more profits?

"If they really want to help you avoid their prescription drugs with diet tips and natural
remedies, why do they want

Don't blame yourself. These tips don't work. They never have and never will.

As a parting gift for "failing" with everyone's suggested cholesterol-lowering tips, you
get the privilege of ingesting a drug known to cause serious debilitating and life-threatening
side effects including (but not limited to) ...

Despite all the risks and long-term consequences, these drugs are being handed out by doctors
like it's candy at Trick-or-Treat. (Revenues up.)

And the trick, my friend, is on you.

FACT: Mega-rich pharmaceutical companies spend more on MARKETING than research.

If that makes you squirm in your chair ... well, it should.

But don't let the side effects scare you away. They'll just prescribe ANOTHER drug that will
surely do the trick. (Revenues up again.)

Oh, and did your doctor tell you that once you're on a cholesterol-lowering drug, it's sort of
like a Lifetime Contract?

You see, your cholesterol levels will spike upward as soon as you
stop taking the drug.

So you're "locked in" to taking these drugs forever. (Revenues WAY UP.)

(Don't worry. The "Lifetime Contract" can be broken if you follow the
advice I'm about to share with you...)

How would you like to eat foods you enjoy and WANT to eat ... and still lower your cholesterol?

Look, I know that sounds a little crazy and counter intuitive.

After all, you've already been eating what you want and look where they got you, right?

After years of research and consulting with holistic minded doctors, I've developed a
"Cholesterol Blueprint" that lowers cholesterol in
lightning fast time.

The plan is now called "Crunch Cholesterol".

I've been told it's the fastest and easiest way to lower cholesterol without drugs or a
yucky diet.

And YES, you can enjoy most of your favorite foods - with some sneaky little twists - and still
see a HUGE drop in your cholesterol levels while you clean out those junked-up arteries.

No bland, boring diets. No side effects. No problem.

Now, for the first time ever, this same plan is available to those outside of my normal sphere of influence.

Or put another way - you can now join my Exclusive Inner Circle and get access to all my best
advice, tips, and tricks to lower your cholesterol - just like you were a family member or a
high-paying client.

I think the best thing I can do for you right now is to give you a sneak peak at what you're
moments away from discovering...

The "Crunch Cholesterol" plan is perfect if you want to:

A routine physical for our insurance company revealed elevated cholesterol levels for my wife.

I suppose I'll never forget that day when my wife came home and cried on my shoulder. I always
assumed because she felt old for the first time.

As someone who had been in the health industry for years, I knew right away that something
strange was going on.

You see, my wife and I were already eating from the recommended "cholesterol-friendly" diet.

We had long ago replaced steaks with salmon patties. We replaced beef hamburgers with turkey
and chicken burgers.

"No cholesterol" and "low-fat" foods were the items we carefully selected off the shelves.

But she still had high cholesterol. It just didn't make sense.

I already knew enough about statin drugs that I didn't want her to take them. But I couldn't "forbid"
it because ... well ... that doesn't go over very well in my house if you know what I mean.

My gut told me that something natural HAD to work. So that's when I began my "quest for a cure".

I enlisted the help of a friend. He's a doctor with a strong bias towards
natural and holistic remedies.

Thankfully, he had already done a TON of research. He helped me sort through all the lies and
myths. And we came up with the best of the best tips that actually work in real life ... with real people.

I'm thrilled to say the plan worked like gangbusters for my wife.

I've since added new special tips and secret little tricks that no on else is talking about. So
the plan now works even better and faster than before.

Now, this new and improved version of what worked for my wife is working like crazy for countless

I don't pretend to know more than any doctor about how our DNA is put together and works,
what the names of all the bones are, or what a protein molecule even looks like.

And yet, I have a growing list of raving fans whose lives have been changed because they stopped
doing what what doctors told them to do ... and started on the "Crunch Cholesterol" plan.

Meanwhile, most doctors have a laundry list of "failures" and resort to the prescription pad.

It kind of makes sense when you think about it.

After all, how many doctors in your area are practicing as "Cholesterol Specialists"?

Instead, cholesterol care is handled by the general or family practitioner. And these
doctors have a LOT on their plate.

They see everything from torn rotator cuffs, strep throat, common ear infections, high blood pressure,
diabetes, acid reflux, on and on ... and that's just the patients they see before lunch!

Any good doctor - with a lot of patients - simply doesn't have the time to
do the type of pain-staking research on cholesterol that I've done.

Look, there's a reason you're here today instead of last week or last month or last year.

The timing wasn't right before. I don't know why. You may not know why either.

Maybe you weren't as serious about lowering cholesterol and taking care of your heart until now.

Whatever the reason, you're lucky to be here now. Let's work together to get this cholesterol
problem taken care of and put it in your rear view mirror.

Imagine the relief you'll feel ... in just a few short weeks from today ... when you'll stop
worrying about cholesterol once and for all.

YES! "Crunch Cholesterol" will work for you even if...

If you prefer "pretty" eBooks that have a professional and polished look,
then this might not be for you.

If you prefer to read material that's been properly edited for grammar and punctuation,
then this book might not be right for you.

You see, I'm not a talented graphics designer. Nor do I care a lot about proper grammar.

But I have a knack for teaching people how to get crazy good results with cholesterol reduction.

If all you care about is lowering cholesterol in lightning fast time ... without a lot of effort ... then you're going to love this book.

Let's get your cholesterol problem taken care of right now, what do you say?

Think about your spouse, kids, and grandkids. Maybe grandkids not even born yet. They're
going to need you around. They need you for help and advice that only you can give.

Don't deprive them of that because of some stinkin', lousy cholesterol.  Not when it's
THIS easy to take care of. And THIS easy to reduce your risk for a heart attack.

Look, I know you've already been burned by bad advice and worthless "placebo" supplements. So I want to
make this an easy, no-brainer decision for you...

I am so sure of your success with this program that
I stand behind it with my
Famous Ironclad Guarantee.

That's why I want you to try it out for yourself absolutely risk-free for a full 60 days.

You're welcome to try it with the only intention of trying to prove me wrong. You have a
full 60 days to decide if you want to keep it.

I'm confident that once you use these tips, you'll truly appreciate just how fast and easy
it is to safely lower your cholesterol. Without the side effects of statin drugs.


If you're not satisfied thrilled with your results, then I expect
you to let me know so I can issue you a full, prompt, and courteous refund.

I'll even let you keep the ebook on your computer so that you can forever have this information in your health library.


Bottom Line: Even if you ask for a refund, I'll still work with you to get
results so you can stay away from the deadly statin drugs. Those drugs should NEVER be an option as far as I'm
concerned. If I have to issue a refund and spend extra time helping you avoid those
drugs ... it's worth it.

Time for a quick "Cholesterol I.Q." test...

Answer #1:

"I'm a do-it-yourselfer. I'll sort through the stacks of advice and information out there.
I'll create my own plan through trial-and-error over the next few blood tests. I'll figure out a
plan that works eventually."

Answer # 2:

"I believe the government when they tell me that statin drugs are safe. I'm actually fairly
healthy outside of having high cholesterol, so I think I'll be okay."

Answer # 3:

"I'd rather click this link and begin using a safe, natural plan that's proven to work again
and again without side effects."

If you choose 1 or 2 ... I wish you the best of luck. I really do. Unfortunately, luck is what
you're going to need.

But if your answer is "I want to lower my cholesterol in the next 30-90 days with a foolproof plan
that works every time," it's easy:

Just place your risk-free order now.

I promise you'll have everything you need to get the results you want.

To be perfectly honest, it sure seems like a no-brainer to me.

And if you're not satisfied absolutely thrilled with the book and your results
... just say the word and you'll get a prompt, cheerful refund with no hard feelings.

Colin, please let me in. I want to lower my cholesterol
without any side effects. Please give me instant access to this life-saving information right now. I understand I'll get...

The entire 112 page "Crunch Cholesterol" eBook that is turning the cholesterol industry upside down.

 GUARANTEED  lower cholesterol AND triglycerides!

 BACKED BY  my Famous Ironclad Guarantee.

Have your credit card handy
and click the button or link below.

Yes! I Deserve To Know the Truth >>

To Your Lowered Cholesterol and Healthy Heart!

P.S. Imagine the sense of relief and pure joy that you and your family will feel
once you use these tips and take care of your cholesterol problem once and for all. Trust me, it's a
feeling you'll never forget. Be on your way to that in the next few minutes and
claim your risk-free copy of "Crunch Cholesterol".

P.P.S. If you only use a tiny fraction - just 10% of the advice in this book - your cholesterol numbers will STILL
improve. You'll laugh out loud when you see just how easy and fun it is to lower your cholesterol.

Consider it for just a moment: No more worrying if cholesterol is about to make your heart explode.
No more miserable side effects from statin drugs. No more nagging by your doctor. Just a sense of relief and
satisfaction knowing you do it your way - the natural way.

REMEMBER: Your Overwhelming Satisfaction Is
Guaranteed !

If you ever have a question, or just want some motivation or "hand-holding" ... I'm just an email or phone call away.

If you decide to go another direction today, I wish you nothing but the best. But please do something, okay?
This is too important to put off any longer, don't you agree?

Lower Cholesterol Naturally ... and Save Your Heart!

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Lower Cholesterol and Reduce Triglycerides Without Statin Drugs is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.