Hair Loss Black Book - Stop Hair Loss & Re-Grow Your Hair


The No-Hype Approach to Stop Hair Loss and Permanently Re-Grow Your Hair

Forget the “too good to be true” hype and the empty promises you have heard from other hair loss treatments.

Learn how one medical researcher and former hair-loss sufferer is helping both men and women to:

Hair loss can have a devastating effect on your life.

Believe me, I know how shocking it is to look in the mirror or see a picture of yourself and realize that your hair is starting to thin.

I spent years trying to hide my hair loss under hats and I spent years using the over-the-counter products, natural “cures” and even prescriptions...

All the while my hair just kept getting thinner and I just kept looking older and older (way before my time).

But I understand. When people look at you, all they see is thinning hair.

After years of watching my hair fall out I finally put my medical research background to work and discovered a cure that allowed me to permanently end my baldness and re-grow healthy, lasting hair. This revolutionary cure has changed my life and it’s time for me to share it with you.

But before you read another word of this website, there is something I want to make certain you understand...

There is no overnight cure for hair loss.

No matter what false promises and wild “success” stories you have seen... No matter what marketing ploys and ridiculous claims you have read about... the truth is that you simply can’t stop baldness and re-grow your hair instantly.

THE TRUTH is that it takes the average person anywhere from 6 months to 2 years to get the noticeable, full hair growth they deserve.

Now... if you would rather gamble away your chance of re-growing your hair on treatments that promise overnight results, then this website isn’t for you.

But if you are ready to...

Then you need to keep reading because this website will give you the answers and the information you need to successfully fight your hair loss... and win.

A recent study in The Washington Post stated that Americans will spend more than 3.5 BILLION DOLLARS on prescriptions, procedures, and “miracle products” to cure their hair loss.

So... how do these companies sell 3.5 billion dollars in products if they don’t work?

Next time you are at the drug store, pick up the most popular hair loss product and read the back. In tiny letters at the bottom it talks about results “...of patients who perceived improved...”

Now let me ask you a question... do you want to perceive results? Or do you want to actually achieve results?

It’s pretty obvious to me that these products are just selling 3.5 Billion Dollars of HOPE... not 3.5 Billion Dollars of results.

Now let me ask you another question... have you ever known anyone to use one of these products – whether it is over-the-counter or a prescription – and actually had their hair to re-grow?

But I am willing to bet that you have known plenty of people who wasted hundreds – even thousands of dollars on these products because they HOPED they would work.

Really, when you start looking at all the options you have for re-growing your hair you will notice that the treatments are often dangerous, the outcomes are dismal and the price is very, very high.

When you invest in these products, you just have to HOPE that they will work for you.

And on this website, you are about to discover the truth behind why you lose your hair and the SCIENCE behind re-growing it – naturally and permanently.

DHT hair loss – or male and female pattern baldness is a complicated process, but here are the basics…

We have many hormones in our bodies, but when they are balanced they keep our bodies and our hair healthy. One of the most important hormones is Testosterone. While it is considered a men’s hormone, both men and women need it to grow and heal bones and muscles.

We also have enzymes in our bodies which transform and optimize hormones. One specific enzyme, 5-Alpha Reductase (5AR), rests in the tissue around your hair follicles and has only one purpose.

It turns Testosterone into a super concentrated, super strong Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Normally men have a tiny amount of DHT which is more than enough to grow facial hair, deepen the voice, and increase sex drive.

If you are losing your hair, it means something has gone terribly wrong and you have a DHT problem. For many reasons, your body is making too much 5AR and too much Testosterone. Your body is storing the excess Testosterone on your 5AR-filled scalp. When the two meet, your scalp is flooded with DHT.

This excess DHT on your scalp causes your hair follicles to swell (just like your body would swell as a reaction to a bee sting or a twisted ankle). This swelling puts pressure on your hair follicle and overtime it slowly begins to choke it out.

The swelling caused by DHT reduces blood flow and restricts your follicle’s access to proteins, enzymes and hormones that are essential to healthy hair.

As this swelling continues, your hair follicles will become sicker and weaker and your hair begins to grow-in thinner and finer... all the while your follicle is exerting more and more energy to produce these smaller, thinner hairs.

Eventually, the hair follicle simply cannot survive. It shrinks into nothingness and dies.

So... how can you over-come this process and re-gain the healthy, active hair follicles you need to grow full, thick hair?

Well, you aren’t left with a lot of options...

Surgery is one of the more extreme measures you can choose. It is expensive, painful and there is a lot of risk involved.

If you don’t go to one of the few surgeons that have the skill to perform the procedure correctly, you could end-up with scarring on your scalp (which will prevent hair from ever growing) or little “plugs” that look like a row of seeds planted into your scalp. I’m sure you have seen guys with plugs and already know that they are a little more than noticeable.

And since this treatment option does NOTHING to eliminate the underlying cause of baldness, you can expect the transplanted hair to eventually fall-out too.

2) Hair Loss Treatment Centers

Have you ever known anyone to actually re-grow hair after paying THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of dollars to a hair loss center?

Of all the people I have ever interviewed, researched or questioned, none have reported any success from a hair loss center. But plenty have reported writing big checks HOPING that they would.

Most commonly, the first option for anyone who is starting to lose their hair is products like Rogaine, Procerin, Propecia, etc. These products are usually the cheapest option (even though they are anything but cheap) and they are the easiest to obtain.

Rogaine and Procerin works by blocking the DHT and supplying more blood flow to your scalp, but most times these treatments can’t over-come your body’s natural processes. Even if they DO work for you, you will have to continue to use these products for the rest of your life. As soon as you stop use, your hair will fall out faster than before.

And you might have already noticed this, but the side effects are down-right bizarre... dizziness, forgetfulness, and stomach cramps. But the worst – and most dangerous of all is Propecia.

Propecia actually tries to prevent the production of the enzyme which forms DHT in the first place. But the problem is that this group of enzymes is needed to perform a LOT of other healthy, non-hair loss functions. It is so dangerous women are advised to not to even touch it!

Believe me; I know how frustrating it can be to watch your hair get thinner and thinner. I know how disappointing it can be to use foams, gels and prescriptions for MONTHS without seeing ANY results.

What’s worse is that I actually listened to doctors when they told me that my hair loss was genetic – and that there was nothing I could do to overcome it.

But after a while, I started to become angry with the medical community, I got frustrated with products on the market and I decided to do my own research.

I interviewed general physicians, endocrinologist, reproductive endocrinologists, and dermatologists at little clinics across the country – as well as the major institutions like The Mayo Clinic and Johns-Hopkins. I read studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

I researched alternative health, I attended forums dedicated to hair loss and I asked the tough questions of top alternative health practitioners in many U.S. cities.

But it wasn’t until I found actual androgenic alopecia hair loss sufferers (both men and women) who were able to reverse their hair loss naturally - without OTC or Rx help – that I finally found the answers I was looking for.

The only thing that other hair-loss treatments can offer you is hope.

But you already know that hope can only take you so far. You already know that hope isn’t going to re-grow your hair.

You are ready to STOP the cause of hair loss at the source of the problem - instead of just treating the symptoms.

You are ready to uncover a solution based in science that will allow your hair to re-grow with each new, natural hair growth cycle.

The reversal and re-growth process will not happen overnight. This is not a miracle cure that will give you results instantly.

When you follow the right plan and allow your body to make the right changes, you can eliminate the problem of hair loss at the SOURCE.

It will take a few months to start seeing a reversal of your hair loss, with most people seeing major results in 6 months to 2 years.

But this hair growth is permanent and the results are real.

It’s time for you to quit feeling like you have no real options. It’s time for you to stop listening to doctors who say that you can’t overcome this problem.

It’s time for you to get to the source of the problem and treat your hair loss with science instead of hope.

It’s time for you to eliminate your baldness, put an end to your thinning hair and take back control over your life.

It took me years of research to discover exactly how we lose our hair – and exactly what it takes to naturally re-grow it.

And through my years of searching, I discovered that there is NO pill, NO prescription and NO product on the market that can magically help us re-grow our hair.

The only way for you to regenerate hair growth is to change the way your body processes the excess hormones and enzymes that causes hair loss.

The only way for you to end your battle with thinning hair is to restore your body’s ability to counteract DHT.

The only way for you to eliminate hair loss is to regenerate and support your damaged hair follicles from the inside.

And that is exactly what the Hair Loss Black Book does.

With Hair Loss Black Book, you will discover the facts, the science and the solution that will eliminate your hair loss - effectively and permanently.

I am sure you have noticed that losing your hair was a gradual process... this is because every time your hair went through a growth cycle the follicle grew smaller and weaker and your hair grew thinner and finer... eventually closing down completely.

But as soon as you start putting the Hair Loss Black Book system into effect, you will immediately being to improve the way your entire body processes.

The first few months will be spent just restoring your body’s natural rhythm and regulating your entire system.

Once your system is “revamped” you will start reversing the effects of DHT hair loss and with each hair growth cycle your hair follicles will grow stronger and larger.

At first, your baby hairs will only grow for a few weeks... then as each phase of your hair growth cycles, your hair will begin getting larger and healthier. Your hair will begin to grow-in longer and darker.

Instead of tightening the choke hold on your hair follicle with each cycle, you will begin to loosen that grip and allow your hair to grow naturally.

Restoring your body’s natural function and allowing your hair to grow naturally with each new cycle is the only way to achieve permanent hair re-growth and cure your baldness... and the length of time it takes will depend on how weak your hair follicles are when you begin this process.

This is why it will take 6 months to 2 years to achieve the thick, healthy hair growth you deserve.

This is not your average hair-loss product because it doesn’t try to simply treat the symptoms... it works by getting to the true source of the problem and stopping it before it ever reaches your scalp.

With this book, you have the knowledge and the power to make a change in your life and re-grow your hair naturally.

It’s not going to work overnight. It’s not going to give you instant results.

But The Hair Loss Black Book will give you everything you need to reverse your hair loss and re-grow your hair... permanently.

I want you to understand that it doesn’t matter HOW you are losing your hair.

It doesn’t mater if you are a woman or a man. It doesn’t matter if everyone in your family is balding – or if you are the only one.

The only thing that matters right now is if you are going to STOP your hair loss... or if you are going to do nothing and continue to let all your hair slowly fall out.

I know after years of trying other products, you may have a hard time understanding what it will be like to finally find a solution and see real results.

But I want you to take a moment and think about how Hair Loss Black Book can change your life...

You will not be forced to spend thousands of dollars on OTC products or prescriptions from your doctor.

You will not have to use dangerous drugs or deal with the unbearable side-effects.

All you have to do is follow a simple, logical plan to restore your body’s internal health and treat your baldness from the source of your problem... and you will begin to see the results for yourself.

And you can do it all while using a solution that is logical, realistic and based in FACT and SCIENCE.

But the most important thing that Hair Loss Black Book can give you is POWER. You are going to finally get the real answers you need, the real solutions that have been proven to work – time and time again – and capability to take back control over your own life.

Finally get the objective, honest look at the commercially sold hair loss products and commonly known natural treatments. Discover the truth behind the claims, discover the science behind their approach and uncover the real statistics of success for Rogaine, Procerin, Propecia, Saw Palmetto, laser combs and much more.

With data from medical and hair loss experts – as well as opinions and real stories from users - you can finally get the cold, hard facts on this million dollar industry and the products that are sold across the globe.

There are so many myths about hair styling that has scared hair loss sufferers from coloring, styling or even brushing their hair. But this book addresses and debunks these myths (and explains exactly WHY a few of these myths are actually true).

You can uncover which hair styles are the most flattering – for both men and women – for thinning hair. You can learn about the styling tips that will give you more confidence while your hair grows back, and you can uncover which styling products you need to avoid because they can actually damage the follicles of your hair.

This bonus is especially for women suffering from hair loss caused by PCOS.
It explains the dangers of this disease, addresses the biological reasons for PCOS and its symptoms and explains exactly why it needs to be addressed as soon as possible.

Most women aren’t even aware they are suffering from PCOS, and that is why this guide is so important. The Stop PCOS guide will help you identify the symptoms and allow you to properly detect if you are a PCOS sufferer or not.

This program is heads and shoulders above any other baldness cure or hair loss treatment on the market today... simply because I am constantly researching new methods and testing new ideas on how to accelerate hair re-growth and eliminate the source of the problem.

Every time I make a new discovery or add more information to this system... you will be the first to receive it. Even additional bonuses, little tips and new recipes will be sent to you –directly – before it is ever sent to anyone else. The beauty of eBooks is that it allows you to continue receiving the newest version without spending any additional money.

The prices that are being charged for OTC hair loss treatments are outrageous… and that’s not even considering the prices for the other treatments like prescriptions, surgery or hair clubs.

The worst part about it is that these treatments don’t work.

I know many people who would happily pay thousands of dollars for a solution to cure their baldness, but no matter what they spend on these treatments... they never see any results.

The Hair Loss Black Book is a proven, effective cure for baldness. It’s a no hype approach that uses science instead of hope and actually attacks the source of your thinning hair.

But it’s not going to cost you thousands of dollars. It’s not going to cost you hundreds of dollars.

PLUS I am providing you with bonus gifts, just for ordering today!

Really, the value that I’m offering you is pretty obvious. There is no other hair loss treatment that comes close to this price for lifetime results.

This is simple... I am offering you the Hair Loss Black Book through ClickBank, which means that you are 100% protected.

I want you to understand that I totally stand behind the Hair Loss Black Book and the results it will provide you with. This is why I am offering you this product through ClickBank, and this is why I am offering you a 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

I want you to know that if you aren’t completely and totally satisfied with this life-changing book... and most importantly... with the hair re-growth results, you don’t have to pay one dime.

For your peace of mind, a full refund is available anytime during the next 60 days. All you have to do is contact me and I will instantly provide you with a complete refund. And ClickBank is a BILLION DOLLAR company that has millions of users. They are the ones that are backing up this guarantee... so you know it is one you can trust.

But, even if you do decide that you are not ready to utilize the Hair Loss Black Book, I want you to keep the bonus gifts. These are your FREE gifts just for ordering today.

No hype. No red tape. No hassles.

It’s just that simple.

All I ever ask is that you give Hair Loss Black Book an honest try because I know – first hand – that you will be amazed with the results.

You can uncover the reasons behind your hair loss, you can learn the science behind re-growing it, and you can get the real, permanent results you deserve.

All you really need to stop your baldness and regenerate hair loss is in this one, powerful book.

All you need to attack hair loss at the source is through science and the logic.

And all you need to do to get back your confidence, your hair and your life is to order your own copy of Hair Loss Black Book today.

The price listed below and the free bonus gifts are only valid for a couple of days, so don’t wait!

Here's what you need to do...

Have your form of payment ready and click on the offer below...

This is the only system that has been proven to cure baldness and restore healthy,
natural,lasting hair growth.This entire system is based on FACT and SCIENCE;it
works to attack baldness at the source of the problem instead of simply treating the

Pull Back the curtain and get the facts about all hair loss treatments-OTC,
prescriptions and even natural remedies.Find out what really works,how it works
and what results the average hair loss sufferer can really expect to experience.

This is the guide that all hair loss sufferers need to have at all times.With this
guide you can discover which styling methods harm your hair loss,which ones
don't and which ones can actually make your hair look thicker while it's growing

This one guide reveals the truth behind one of the leading causes of womens's hair
loss, PCOS.You will discover the details of the disease,treatment options and the
dangers of this disease if left untreated.this is a must-read for any women...or
anyone that has a women in their lift.

Keep-up with the changes,discoveries and new-found tips to help you stop your
hair loss,cure your balding and re-grow the thick,full hair you deserve.Every new
bonus,articles or recipe will be sent directly to you so you are alwayls informed and
up-to-date on any new development with the baldness cure

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**Hair Loss Black Book is a downloadable e-book. No physical products will be shipped. After you order, you will get INSTANT ACCESS to download the e-book and all the bonus reports onto your computer. The e-book format is adobe acrobat PDF, which can be viewed on Mac or PC.

This is YOUR life... this is YOUR decision... but you need to understand what you are risking.

Hair loss can zap your confidence, it can make you feel unattractive and it can make you look older.

You finally have a solution – a unique, powerful, effective solution based in SCIENCE and FACT. You finally have a solution that will work for you and give you everything you need to re-grow your hair... permanently and naturally.

Don’t you deserve to look in the mirror and actually LIKE what you see?

Order Hair Loss Black Book And Take Back Your Life Right Now!

P.S. I want you to know that you can always contact me at questions [at] (replace [at] with @) with any questions or concerns you may have. I am here, I am available and I want you to know that you have access to me.

I would hate for anyone suffering from baldness to pass-up this opportunity because they feel it is a scam. I understand all your concerns and I want you to know that you are right to feel skeptical... with so much hype and so many false promises on the market today; it’s hard to know when it is the real deal.

So email me if you have any reservations. I will be happy to give you the information you need to make an educated, informed decision.

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