Faster Keto Sale


My name is Jennifer Goodwin (Austin, TX), and the story I’m about to share with you is incredibly painful and personal.

In fact, just last year, I would never have been able to talk about this with you…

Because as recently as last July, I qualified as “medically obese” according to my doctor…

I had more than 50lbs I needed to lose…

And my medical charts painted a scary picture…

A picture of a 53 year old woman with type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure and less than 10 years to live…

A woman whose thyroid was completely out of whack…

Someone who was angry a lot of the time…who suffered from mood swings…who didn’t get much sleep…

And if we’re being completely honest – a person who was deeply depressed too.

I know – it’s not a very pretty picture is it?

Yet the reason I’m here sharing it with you…

Is because in the last six months, my life has done a complete turnaround.

In fact, since I hit rock bottom during my Mom’s Funeral last year…

Just last week, I dropped off four large bags at Goodwill…

Bags that were filled with my “fat clothes”…

Including all of the oversized jeans, XXL blouses, baggy sweatshirts, and even lingerie…

That I know I’ll never wear again.

Now even though I’ll admit that it does feel so good to be telling you all of this…

The reason I wrote this letter was not to brag…


It’s because in the next few minutes…

Plus how I was able to KEEP the weight off almost effortlessly…

Without being sideswiped by gnawing food cravings…

Without hitting plateaus
and stalls…

And without falling victim to emotional eating when things weren’t going my way.

I’m also going to be sharing a foolproof system that will let you start burning fat TODAY…

So you can lose 15, 20, 30lbs or more in the very next month…

And reach your ideal body weight in much less time than you probably thought possible.

Of course you’re probably wondering, so I’ll go ahead and tell you right now…

The secret to all of my weight loss wasn’t some pricey new supplement or exhausting exercise routine…

Instead, the reason I was able to lose 17lbs in 30 days…

And another 47lbs in the months that followed…

Is all thanks to the Keto Diet…

And specifically…

Something that was developed by one of the U.S.’s top nutritionists (she’s based in Florida and you’re going to meet her inside this letter)…

And that’s designed to increase your chances of success with the Keto Diet by up to 92%...

While eliminating all of the confusion, frustration, and physical discomfort that “going Keto” can cause so many people.

What makes this version of the Keto Diet so unique…

Is that it harnesses the power of something called “Craving Transference Theory”…

And when you follow this special Keto System step-by-step (which I’ll be showing you how to do today)…

You’ll find that it’s possible to DESTROY your junk food cravings almost immediately…

So that you can start enjoying all of the benefits of a high fat, low carb Keto Diet…

Including the rapid weight loss…the better energy…the increased sharpness…and the awesome nights of sleep…

Without suffering from the Keto Flu…

Or being tormented with cravings for sweets and unhealthy snacks…

Or feeling a single pang of hunger.

Now if all of this is sounding exciting but hard to believe…

Let me just say that I truly do understand.

And I know that while you would LOVE to find a real, easy, and long-term solution for losing weight…

You’re also scared to get your hopes up…

Or you think this is one of those scams you hear about.

Heck maybe you don’t even know if you have it in you to succeed…

And it’s okay if you feel that way…because we’ve all had those thoughts and self-doubts.

Here’s the thing though…

As you’re going to discover during this letter…

The reason you’ve failed on every diet you’ve tried in the past is NOT because you’re weak…

But because the food industry, and even many doctors, have been keeping you addicted to foods that make you fat…

And while I know it might sound fishy to say this …

In a few moments from now…

I’m going to give you a 5 Question Test that was created by Kelly Brownell at Yale’s Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity…

Something you can do at home, as you’re reading this letter…

And that scientists and doctors agree can accurately answer whether your food cravings are keeping you from losing weight.

And if the answer is “yes,” then it’s vital you keep watching...

So you can answer the other 4 questions in the test too.

Now we’ve got a lot to get through and we don’t have all day to do it…

So let me go ahead and get started right now…

By sharing the story of how the tragic death of my mother…

Ultimately helped me go from obese and on death’s door…

To fit, healthy, and in love with my reflection in the mirror…

Plus how you can do the exact same thing starting in less than 24 hours from now.

So like I said, my name is Jennifer Goodwin.

I’m 53 years old and live in South Texas…

And when it comes to my weight – my story is pretty similar to a lot of other women I know.

I was a little chubby in middle school and high school…

In my early 20s I didn’t eat a whole lot and was at my skinniest…

After my oldest was born, I got heavier but was able to shake most of the pregnancy weight…

With each child that followed though (I have four wonderful children total), it became harder to lose all of the weight…

By my early 30s I had noticeable baggage around stomach, my butt, my hips, and all those places where fat loves to gather…

And even making its way to weird places like the middle of my back, my feet, and my hands…

Which is when I started to be depressed about my body…

And it was around this time that I found out I was pre-diabetic with high blood pressure, poor sleep, and even hormonal problems.

Now like pretty much any woman (and a lot of men too)…

Over the course of my life I’ve tried a TON of diets…

From low fat in the 80s…

To the Atkins diet in the 90s…

Plus different programs like Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers – all those usual suspects.

And what I found (and I’m sure you can relate to this next part)…

Is that all those different diets all played out exactly the same way:

I’d start off really motivated, I’d lose some weight, I’d be feeling good about myself, I’d start dreaming about a life where I was happy and healthy…

But then at some point – whether it was a few weeks or a few months into whatever diet I was following…

It would all come crashing down.

I’d end up going on vacation and cheating on my diet – at the buffet on a Cruise, or at a pie shop in Key West…

Or I’d find that the diet was making me so hungry and irritable that I became a horribleB-I-T (you know the rest).

And before I knew it…

The diet was over and the weight was pouring back on.

So this was the story of my life for decades and decades…

And by the time I hit 50 I’d more or less grown to accept that I wasn’t going to ever be skinny again.

Sure I’d still “try” diets out…

But in my heart I didn’t really believe I’d be able to lose much weight, or keep it off.

She died of a heart attack, which the coroners said was at least partially caused by her weight…

And the shock and grief of losing my mom…

It triggered something in me…

Something self-destructive and awful…

That nearly led me to follow my mom into the grave.

It’s a little hard to talk about this next part, but I’m going to try…

Because even though what I’m about to share with you is pretty ugly…

It’s also what ultimately led to the Keto Discovery I mentioned at the beginning of this letter…

A discovery that made the Keto Diet so easy that I was able to lose 17lbs in a month, and 64lbs in less than 6 months…

And that’s now worked for thousands of men and women all across the world…

Which is why I’m so confident it will work for you too.

Well it was day of my mom’s funeral…

And I was having a hard time and feeling very emotional.

Of course I knew that would be the case…

But what I hadn’t anticipated…

Was seeing all of these people from the distant past…

Family friends, relatives, and other folks I hadn’t seen in decades.

At first I was glad to see them.

But as the day continued on…

It was so unexpected…I don’t know if they were nervous and trying to lighten the mood or what…

But time and time again I heard things like: “well you’re certainly eating well, aren’t you?”

Or “the last time I saw you, you were skinny as a twig, but look at you now!”…

And what was even worse was when my Aunt Carol decided it was okay to use my mom’s death as a warning to me.

She pulled me aside at the funeral and she told me:

“Jen, don’t take this the wrong way, but your mom was a big woman who struggled with her weight. You’re getting awfully big too and that scares me because I love you. I hope you’ll consider trying a diet sweetheart.”

It was so inappropriate, I was there to mourn my mother…

And while I smiled and nodded and pretended I was listening…

I wanted to shut down entirely…or scream at everyone…or run away…

I had been trying diets all of my life…

Did they not think I KNEW that I was overweight…

That I wasn’t already unhappy with how my reflection looked in the mirror?

It should have been a day to celebrate my mother’s life…

But for me, it ended up being a day where I couldn’t get out of my own head…

And when we gathered at my house after the funeral for refreshments…

I was hardly talking.

My cousin Derek had brought it from my mom’s favorite bakery…

And it was this huge, beautiful creation covered with fudge swirls and chocolate dipped strawberries.

It looked so good, but of course I knew I couldn’t let my family see me eating it…not after what they’d said…

So I just pretended I wasn’t hungry…

And did my best to keep busy and not think too much about it.

That night though, after everyone had left my home and I was alone…

I was lying in bed, the tears streaming down both my cheeks…

And all I could think about was how good that cake had looked.

Nearly half of it was still downstairs in the refrigerator…

And even though I told myself I should just go to sleep…

That I didn’t need it, that I’d be fine without it…

And so I crept back downstairs like a guilty thief in the night…

I opened the fridge…

And I told myself I’d just have the tiniest slice.

But the moment that chocolatey goodness hit my mouth, it was like my brain fired to life…

I got this rush of pleasure that’s almost impossible to describe…

It was soooo good and it was exactly what I needed to feel better.

Over the course of the next hour, I ate every single piece of that cake…

I even got some Breyers Vanilla Ice Cream out of the fridge and started eating a scoop with every slice…

I just couldn’t help myself.

By the time I was finished, I felt disgusting, like I was going to throw up…

Yet in this sick way, I also felt happier too…

Or at least, I wasn’t thinking about my mom’s death or my relatives’ mean comments anymore.

When I woke up the next morning though…

I had a terrible headache and my stomach was in knots…

I felt so guilty…

But even though I knew what I was doing was self-destructive…

I also felt so sad, so emotional…

That all I wanted to do was start eating more sweets, more junk food, more of the stuff I knew I shouldn’t…

Until I could once again feel NUMB to the pain that was inside of me.

So that’s exactly what I did…

I stayed at home, with the blinds shut, not answering calls or texts…

And I ate, ate, and then ate some more.

Cakes, cookies, pies, gummy bears, ice cream, chips, pizza, Coca Cola…

It’s like I was trying to eat myself into oblivion…I just couldn’t stop.

Now things could have kept going on this way…

If it wasn’t for the fact that about a month after my mom’s funeral…

I won’t go into details because I don’t want to be gross…

But let’s just say, it required a trip to the doctor’s office to get checked and for medication.

Now my OBGYN couldn’t see me so I went to my general practitioner…

And at first, when he said he wanted to draw my blood and run some other tests on me…

I just figured it was related to the urinary tract infection I had.

After about an hour of waiting though…I started wondering what the heck was going on…

And when I asked the doctor, his response took me completely off guard…

“I’ve known you for what, 30+ years now?

You are a disaster waiting to happen...

And it’s important we run some blood tests so we can figure out exactly where we’re at with things.”

Well if I’m being honest, when he said all of this I got really mad…

‘I came in here for a UTI, so why was he trying to turn this into something bigger than that,’ I thought.

But while I felt steaming mad…I also knew that he was probably right…

And so three days later, even though I really didn’t want to…

I drove back to the doctor’s office to discuss the results.

Now as you’re probably suspecting, the news was not good…

In fact, it was dire.

As my doctor read through everything with me, he kept a pretty even face…

But once he’d finished, he turned and looked me dead in the eyes…

“Jen, when I read this chart, I see a woman who has less than 10 years to live. I’m not trying to scare you. I’m just being straight with you. Your health is going downhill fast, and if you don’t do something drastic, it’s going to be bad. Trips to the hospital, tons of medications, a lot of money spent on health insurance and prescriptions.

Now I can give you the normal talk about diet and exercise Jen, if that’s what you want. But if I’m being brutally honest…I think it goes beyond that. Based on what you’ve told me – you’re describing the behavior of an addict. And I’m not saying that as a joke – I mean I think you’re really addicted to sugar and junk food. So if I were you, I’d start there. I’d look into sugar addiction more, and see if you can’t find some strategies that will help you break free.”

Well I didn’t really know how to respond to my doctor, so I just told him that I’d do some research and left his office.

It was a weird conversation because I did NOT think of myself as an addict…

People are addicted to drugs sure…maybe some morbidly obese people are addicted to food…

But not me – I’d had a bad month after my mom died, but that wasn’t an addiction was it?

Still, I couldn’t get what my doctor had said out of my mind…

And I was blown away by what I found.

The first thing I saw was a 5 Question Test developed by Kelly Brownell of Yale…

And that can help you determine if you’re addicted to sugar and junk food.

I’ll share the questions with you right now…

And please answer them honestly…because this is important:

For me personally, I was astonished to find that I answered yes to every single one of the questions…

But according to Kelly Brownell, even if you just answer one or two correctly, it means you show signs of addiction to sugar and other junk food.

So this was a real eye-opener for me…

And the more I researched…

The more I realized that it’s pretty much universally accepted by health experts that food and sugar addiction is a real thing.

Harvard University talks about it a lot…

So does the Cleveland Clinic…

What really drove home the reality of sugar addiction for me though…

Was a study I saw done by David Ludwig and his colleagues at Harvard University.

Then a high sugar milkshake four days later.

After each milkshake the Harvard Scientists did a brain scan…

And they found that while the low-sugar milkshake didn’t show anything unusual…

When the study participants drank the high-sugar milkshake…

The part of the brain responsible for addiction (called the nucleus accumbens) lit up like a Christmas tree.

Just check out this image…

The brain scan on the left shows what people’s brains looked like after a high-sugar milkshake…

While the one on the right shows what their brains looked like when they had the low-sugar milkshake.

But in this case it was happening just because of sugar!

And if that weren’t disturbing enough…

The Harvard scientists also found that within four hours of drinking the high-sugar milkshake…

Every one of the participants in the study was hungry and craving more sugar!

This study surprised me because, while I’d heard that sugar was addictive before…

I didn’t realize that it was actually addictive in the same way that cocaine and other drugs could be…

The more I researched though, the more evidence I found that this was the case…

Including studies from…

Now I could go on-and-on sharing research…

But instead…

This is something I want YOU to actively participate in too…

So get ready.

Okay here it goes…

Take a look at the following picture:

These are French green beans…

And I want to know how they make you feel?

Maybe you’re thinking “oh yeah, those don’t look bad”…

Or maybe you feel guilty because you don’t eat enough vegetables.

The point is, you probably don’t get too excited by this picture right?.

Now I want you to look at this next picture…

Really look at it.

How does it make you feel?

Here’s how a lot of people I’ve talked to describe their response to this picture:

“My mouth starts to water….

There is noticeably more saliva.

I also start shaking my leg and my eyes start moving faster and darting around.

I begin to imagine taking a giant glob of these gummy bears, and stuffing them in my mouth.

The sweetness, the fruitiness, the chewy goodness…

It gets me physically excited talking to you about it.”

Now maybe you don’t love gummy candies…

So let’s look at this slice of cake…

Or these to-die-for-cookies…

What’s your reaction here?

If you’re like most folks…

Now I know you’re wondering…

And the answer is NO, I’m not trying to torture you, or make you hungry…

I’m trying to make a point…

Which is that sugar is incredibly addictive.

This probably doesn’t surprise you to hear…

But let me quickly explain WHY sugar makes you fat…

And this is super important…

Because it’s going to tie into the Keto breakthrough I’ll be sharing in just a few moments.

You see…

According to Dr. Juan Gallegos of the University of Utah…

When sugar enters your bloodstream…

Your body releases a hormone called insulin.

Insulin’s job is to send sugar to your liver, muscle tissue, and other cells…

So that it can be used as energy.

The problem is, when you eat more sugar than your body needs…

It your body must store that sugar somewhere, so it can be “saved for later”…

And guess where it gets stored?

Your fat cells!

The more sugar you eat, the more fat is created…

And this fat is formed in all the places you’d expect, like your butt, your thighs, your hips…

Plus some of the fat also collects in places like your liver – which is why there’s such a thing as fatty liver disease.

Okay so at this point, you might be thinking:

I get what you’re saying…

But here’s the thing…

Carbohydrates are usually sugars in disguise!

Did you realize that?

I always thought of Carbs and Sugars as being separate…

But according to Harvard University…

Carbs are, by definition, sugar.

There are simple carbs, which are made up of simple sugars…

And there are complex carbs, which are made up of a variety of sugars.

In fact the only kind of complex carbs that aren’t going to be turned into sugar and make you fat…

Are fiber-rich carbohydrates like vegetables - because they take longer to digest so your body can actually handle them…

But the vast majority of complex carbs people regularly eat are NOT high in fiber…

In fact white bread, potatoes, pasta, pizza, flour, grain, whole wheat bread – all of these things are considered “complex carbs”...

Yet they have virtually no healthy fiber in them.

And no matter if we’re talking about simple carbs or most complex carbs…

Once you eat those carbs…

Your body goes to work breaking them back down to simple sugars…

And then guess what happens…

Your pancreas produces insulin…

The insulin sends some of the sugar to your cells…

But because there’s so much sugar in there from the carbs you just ate…

Your body is forced to store most of the sugar as fat!

So think about what this means:

This is why Low Carb Diets…

Including the Keto Diet, which we’re going to talk about in a moment…

Have become so popular over the years…

They’re all about eliminating carbs and sugars that cause cravings and keep you overweight!

Plus, once you understand just how addictive carbs and sugars are…

I mean think about it…

Low Fat Diets are always high in carbohydrates…which means they tell you to eat more foods that cause hunger cravings and make you fat.

The Atkins Diet DOES work at the beginning when it’s very low carb…

But then the diet tells you to start reintroducing carbs back into your diet until you start gaining weight again…

Which is like telling a former heroin addict to start doing a little heroin at a time, then stop once they get addicted again.

And now you can understand why Restricting Calories is never going to work…

Because the problem is not the calories you eat – it’s how much of your diet is carbohydrates and sugars.

So considering that all of those diets don’t work…

The question becomes…

“Is there an option out there that will help me break free from my carb and sugar addiction….

So that I can kill my cravings, reclaim my health, and finally lose all my extra weight for good?”

That’s the question I was asking myself as well…

And it did seem like there was a pretty obvious choice…

Now you’re probably familiar with the Keto Diet already…

You’ve seen how many celebrities swear by it…

And you know that it’s helped millions of everyday folks lose “impossible” amounts of weight in a very short amount of time.

The secret to why the Keto Diet is so effective…

Is that when you go Keto…

You’re switching your body’s energy source from carbohydrates…

Which your body breaks down into addictive sugars that leave you feeling hungry, tired, and irritable…

To healthy fats…

Which are broken down into something called ketones – a clean energy source that leaves you feeling full, energized, and clear-headed.

Sure, both will give you some immediate energy…

But the cocaine will leave you craving more, making you feel angry if you don’t get another fix, disrupting your sleep, and causing long-term damage to your body…

While the green tea will give you a nice little boost of energy, focus, and calm – without leading to more cravings.

No one would say that cocaine is healthier than green tea…

So it’s kind of crazy that some mainstream doctors still try and promote a low fat diet over a keto diet…

Especially when Keto has been scientifically proven to have so many health benefits.

One major study of 120 overweight adults found that after 6 weeks on the Keto Diet…

The average weight loss was 20.7 lbs1…

Another major study found that over 8 weeks, obese patients lost an average of 33lbs on The Keto Diet2…

And in yet another study, this one including 83 obese patients (39 men and 44 women)…

It was reported that:

“The present study shows the beneficial effects of a long-term ketogenic diet. It significantly reduced the body weight and body mass index of the patients.”3

Then there’s what Keto does for type 2 diabetes...

A randomized study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism enrolled 84 obese adults with type 2 diabetes…

And put half of them on a low carb, Keto Diet…

And the other half on a low calorie diet that wasn’t low carb.

At the end of the study the keto group had 3x lower A1c… (An A1C test is a blood test that reflects your average blood glucose levels)

They also lost significantly more weight than the low calorie group (9lbs more on average)…

And saw a significant improvement in good cholesterol, while the non-keto group saw zero improvement.

Plus diabetes medications were reduced or eliminated in 95.2% of the Keto Group (but not the low fat group).4

Now I could keep sharing amazing studies about Keto with you for hours…

But suffice to say…

Rapid weight loss and burning of fat.

Lowering “bad cholesterol”…

Lowering blood pressure…

Improving sleep…

Improving thyroid and hormonal health

Reversing insulin resistance…

Reversing unhealthy inflammation…

Significantly improving heart health…

It’s pretty remarkable…

And as I poured through all of the research about the Keto Diet…

It all made so much sense why it worked…

Because again – it’s proven that carbs and sugars are addictive and make you fat…

While it’s also proven that eating healthy fats and less carbs make you burn fat and feel more energized.

It was the first time in years that I really let myself believe that maybe I could lose weight for the long-term…

I was motivated, I was ready to rock…

And then…

I was so very disappointed.

You see, when I first started the Keto Diet it seemed to be going great…

I actually did lose 6lbs in my first 9 days…

And mentally I felt really good, because I kept seeing the numbers on my scale go down.

For one thing, it’s very confusing…

You’re told to eat about 65% Fat, 15% Carbs, and 20% Proteins…

Yet actually keeping track of all of this is exhausting…

You basically need to journal everything you eat and do math all the time.

Plus as I found out, a lot of foods I thought were safe turned out to be filled with hidden sugars and carbs…

Like tomato sauce, yogurt, salad dressing, canned soup, fruit smoothies, even coleslaw…

Which meant I was having constant anxiety every time I ate.

Then, even though I thought I was doing everything right…

The scale stopped going down…

I hit a plateau for weeks that I just couldn’t breakthrough…

And I was feeling bloated all the time, and terribly constipated.

Then there were the cravings…

Way too often I found myself crying like an alcoholic – because I was missing sweets, breads and sugars…

And I started getting moody and angry again…to the point where people commented that I was really unpleasant to be around.

I needed help in a bad way…

So I started visiting the most popular Keto Forums looking for answers…

And while most of the advice I found wasn’t all that useful…

There was one thread that did catch my eye.

It was all about a nutritionist out of Florida named Danielle Moore…

And people were talking about how Danielle had created a special, modified version of the Keto Diet…

Not only did I lose 17lbs in my first 30 days…

But I didn’t suffer from a single craving, or feel moody, or tired, or low energy at all…

Which was an absolute first.

What was even better than the immediate weight loss though…

Was that because it was so easy to continue following this special version of the Keto Diet…

I kept losing more weight every month…

In fact, I’m down 64 lbs and I still haven’t stopped losing weight…

Plus what I think is the most impressive part…

Is that for the first time in my life I can be around sweets – ice cream, brownies, chocolate covered raisins – whatever it is…

Yet I have literally ZERO desire to eat them.

I’m telling you, my body is now so in love with eating delicious, savory, high-fat meals…

And of course, I’m not the only one…

I’ve now spoken with thousands of women who have used this Keto System from Danielle…

And time-and-time again I hear how they’ve lost 14lbs in three weeks…33lbs in two months…

Just countless success stories of people who are now wearing clothes they first bought in the 1990s…

Or who are enjoying the little things, like being able to sit comfortably in an airplane seat, or at the booth of a restaurant, or to go on amusement park rides with their kids.

It’s all just so inspiring…

And right now, I want to invite you to join me, and the thousands of folks just like me…

Who used Danielle’s simple but brilliant system…

To get into fat-burning ketosis fast, to stay in fat-burning ketosis for the long-run, and to love every minute as they did it.

It’s Called…

And I’ll go ahead and explain exactly how it works right now…

So you can see for yourself just how revolutionary it is.

Now as the name would suggest…

The 1-2-3 Keto System is broken up into three steps, which are:

Ketosis Fast

Staying In
Ketosis Long-Term

Thriving In
Ketosis Forever

And each step serves a very distinctive but important purpose.

Step 1 of The 1-2-3 Keto System lasts for seven days…

And the goal is to quickly get you into a state of fat-burning Ketosis…

While AVOIDING sugar and carb withdrawal.

This part is key…

Because what Danielle Moore and other nutritionists have found…

Is that one of the main reasons so many people fail on the Keto Diet…

Is that they try to cut out too many carbs and sugars too fast…

Which puts their bodies into shock – much in the same way that an alcoholic goes into shock if they quit cold turkey.

Remember: Dr. Mark Hyman and Harvard University both estimate that 70% of the population is addicted to carbs and sugars…

And you’ve taken that test from Kelly Brownell from Yale now, which likely showed that you’re addicted too.

So rather than plunge you into shock…

Step 1 of The 1-2-3 Keto System helps you smoothly transition into the Keto Diet…

By providing you with a specially designed, 7 Day Meal Plan called…

With each day of The Fail Proof Keto Quick Start Guide…

You’ll eat slightly less carbohydrates, and slightly more fat and proteins.

See how the amount of carbs slowly gets smaller and smaller?

This is done very strategically, so that you’re getting closer and closer to Ketosis each and every day.

Now I want to make something very clear…

Studies have shown that you can enter a state of Ketosis even at 50 grams of carbohydrates…

And even if you don’t go into Ketosis in the first two or three days of Step 1…

I can promise you that by following The Fail Proof Keto Quick Start Guide…

You’re still going to start losing a TON of weight really fast – even in the first 24 hours.

Think about it – right now, you’re probably eating well over 100 grams of carbohydrates a day…possibly even over 150 grams…

So when you cut that number by half, or even two-thirds…

It means there’s way less sugar in your bloodstream…

And since your body doesn’t have as much sugar to use as energy…

It will start getting energy from your fat stores…

Which means you start burning fat right away!

Pretty cool right?

And I should also say that if you’re worried that The Fail Proof Keto Quick Start Guide is going to require you to count your carbs and other “macros”…

I’ve got good news for you.

Each day of week 1 comes already mapped out
for you:

I love that Danielle and the team at Faster Keto did this…

Because it makes each day a no brainer…

And in case you’re wondering if you’ll enjoy eating the meals listed in The Fail Proof Keto Quick Start Guide…

Just take a look at some of these yummy options…

Peanut Butter and Jelly Rolls

Caramelized Onion Pot Roast

It’s enough to make your mouth water, right?

By the time you finish the first step of The 1-2-3 Keto System…

You’ll almost certainly have entered ketosis.

Remember, a state of Ketosis is one where your body is using fat for energy, instead of carbohydrates…

And not only do you start losing a lot of stubborn body fat during this phase…

You’ll also notice your blood sugar levels normalizing, your cholesterol improving, that your energy and sleep are better, and a lot of other really cool stuff.

Of course, that’s all provided you stay in Ketosis…

And Step 2 of The 1-2-3 Keto System is designed to ensure that’s exactly what happens.

Here’s how…

Step 2 goes from Day 7 to Day 37 of your Keto Journey…

And during this four-week period, you get something called:

The 30 Day Keto Success Plan gives you a full month of Keto-friendly meals, all mapped out for you…

But what makes it so special…

Is that it was designed using something called “Craving Transference Theory.”

It sounds fancy…

But it’s actually pretty simple…

Craving Transference Theory is the idea that the best thing to do when you’re craving something bad…

Is to replace it with something good…

But that this only works when the “good” thing is something you actually want…

That way, making a good decision becomes easy and feels like a reward.

Pretty simple right...

And let me show you exactly how it works in practice.

Remember earlier when we looked at a picture of French Green Beans followed by pictures of sweets?

In that case, your brain automatically picked the sweets, not the vegetable right?

Well we’re going to do the same exercise again right now…

But this time, we’re going to switch the “health” food…

And you’re going to be shocked by what happens.

Take a look at this brownie:

Looks pretty good right?

It’s fine, you can totally admit it!

But now…

Go ahead and take a look at these next few items…

No Bake Chocolate Cheesecake

Delicious Chocolate Coconut Bars

Alright now freeze for just a second…

What are you thinking about?

If you’re like 98% of people…

Your brain and stomach had the same reaction to all four pictures…

But what’s so cool is that while the brownie I showed you isn’t Keto Friendly…

Those three other desserts are 100% Keto!

That’s the power of Craving Transference Theory…

It basically tricks your brain into thinking you’re being “naughty”…

Even though you’re still actually being “nice” by avoiding sugars and carbs.

Now this doesn’t just work for desserts…

Check out this picture of a slice of pizza…

Then look at the following…

Philly Cheesesteak Wraps…

Blackened Shrimp With
Fresh Guacamole…

Easy Swedish Meatballs in a
Savory Sauce…

Well same thing again here:

The pizza I showed you is not keto friendly, but the other three dishes are…

Yet you had the same reaction to all of them.

Now I’m sure you’re starting to see what this means right?

You absolutely can kick your carb and sugar cravings…

And STAY in fat burning ketosis for the long run…

WITHOUT falling off the wagon.

In fact, it’s going to be easy…

You’re simply going to eat the delicious meals that are included in The 30 Day Keto Success Plan…

And your brain won’t even know the difference between your new way of eating and your old…

Yet your body will feel so much better…

And you’ll be dropping so much weight so fast…

That you’ll be falling in love with yourself all over again.

Plus, just like in Step 1…

Each meal takes 15 minutes of cook time or less…

There’s no counting macros or worrying about what you can or can’t eat…

And each meal uses simple, affordable, and highly nutritious ingredients that taste great too.

Once you’ve completed the first two steps of The 1-2-3 Keto System…

You’ll have been in Ketosis for over a month…

There’s a good chance you’ll have already lost 15lbs…21lbs…or even more…

And you’ll likely be experiencing increased energy, fewer food cravings, and a better mood too.

This is exactly how it was for me…

And I was so happy, I wanted nothing more than to keep my positive momentum going in months two, three, and beyond.

I’m sure you’re going to be the same way.

But while it’s going to feel like things are going awesome…

And what I mean is…

While it’s easy to stay in Ketosis when you’re cooking every meal at home…

As more and more time goes by…

Real life is going to come knocking at your door…

And you’re going to want to eat out with your friends and family…

Or you’re going to need to travel somewhere for work…

Or go on a vacation.

You need to be ready to handle all of the real-life situations that you’re going to run into…

So that they don’t hit you like a freight train…

And derail all of the progress you’ve made.

That’s why inside Step 3 of The 1-2-3 Keto System…

Danielle and the team at Faster Keto have created a powerful tool for you that’s called:

What makes Staying Keto On-The-Go so special?

Inside, Danielle and the experts at Faster Keto have combed through the menus at more than 100 of the most popular restaurants in the world…

And identified Keto-Friendly options for all of them.

For example, you’ll see get a list of Keto-friendly options for: Applebee’s, McDonalds, TGI Friday’s, Chic-Fil-A, Red Lobster, Macaroni Grill, Yard House, Panda Express, and more than 90 additional restaurants…

Plus the Faster Keto team has even gone a step further…

And created a quick “cheat sheet” that you can use to modify dozens of popular restaurant items…

So that they’re keto-friendly.

This cheat sheet is SUPER useful by the way…

Because even if you frequently go to a restaurant that’s not included on the list…

Or you live or travel somewhere with different restaurants…

You’ll still know EXACTLY how to order aketo-friendly meal off the menu.

Oh and on top of that…

Staying Keto On-The-Go…

The team has also listed more than 50+ keto-friendly snacks you can eat while you’re on the run…

Which means now, it doesn’t matter whether you’re at the movies, stadiums, convenience stores, or pretty much anywhere else where they sell food…

You can still satisfy your cravings without falling out of keto!

So now that you’ve gotten a peak behind the curtain…

And found out exactly what’s inside The 1-2-3 Keto System by Faster Keto…

I’m confident you can see what makes this system so special and so unique.

There are TONS of Keto Books, Guides, and Products out there…

But none of them were specifically designed to make the transition into Ketosis so smooth and so easy…

So that you start burning fat and losing weight on your very first day…

While also avoiding those horrible carb and sugar withdrawal that can make the keto diet feel like torture.

No other Keto Guide, Book, Forum, or Group out there is even talking about Craving Transference Therapy…

And they certainly haven’t designed an easy-to-follow 30 Day Meal Plan around this vital concept…

Which is such a shame…

Because it makes it so darn easy to stay in ketosis and keep dropping pounds month-after-month.

I know from personal experience, but it’s not just me…

Helping them drop 20lbs, 40lbs, or even 60lbs of stubborn body fat…

While reversing their insulin sensitivity and type 2 diabetes…

Lowering their bad cholesterol…

Dropping their high blood pressure…

Improving their thyroid and hormonal health…

And so much more.

This system just flat out works…

It takes the Keto Diet that you’ve heard so much about…

But then makes it easier and better…

By making Keto simple to understand and easy to do…

Instead of confusing and frustrating – which is how it can feel without The 1-2-3 Keto System.

And you’ve been losing pounds every single day…

And now, not only are you several pounds lighter…

But you’re also sleeping better throughout the night…feeling more energized throughout the day…and not suffering from terrible mood swings either.

Picture what it will feel like 60 days from now…
as your taking yet another bag of your “fat clothes” to the local thrift store…

And you drop them off without even a second thought…

Because that negative voice in your head, the one that always doubts you can really be the sexiest version of yourself, is finally gone.

I’m telling you, it feels so good…

There’s nothing better than hearing your doctor say that you’re no longer diabetic…

Or going from a size 22 to a size 12 in a matter of a few short months…

Or walking into some trendy store you’ve always been afraid to visit…

And feeling utterly confident that you BELONG and that you can pick out and buy any single outfit you want.

These are all things that are possible when you succeed on the Keto Diet…

And that’s exactly what The 1-2-3 Keto System will help you to do.

And considering all of this…

That might sound like a lot, but think about it…

Every one of those things I just listed will take up a ton more of your time…

And most of them won’t even get you the results you’re looking for…

Especially Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers - because they both keep you addicted to fattening sugars and carbs the whole time.

So all of those other options are the “hard way”, or even the “impossible way”…

And knowing what you know now…

I can’t understand why you’d possibly even think about going one of those routes…

Especially when using The 1-2-3 Keto System is so easy and automatic.

So when you consider all of these things…

And a lot of people have actually told the Faster Keto team that they should be charging a lot more.

I’ve seen first-hand just how nasty an addiction to carbs and sugar can be…

And how doing Keto the right way can help you break free from that addiction…

So that you not only start burning fat on Day 1…

But keep losing weight for the years to come as well.

I truly believe that if my mom had known about something like The 1-2-3 Keto System…

She’d still be here today…

And I know that if me, Danielle, and the team at Faster Keto get this program into the hands of as many folks as possible…

We can save countless lives.

And why instead, when you say yes to The 1-2-3 Keto System today…

And you make the commitment to transform your health, and your life…


60 day money back guarantee

(The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.)

After you’ve hit the add to cart button, you’ll be taken to the Faster Keto secure checkout page.

From there, just enter your basic order details…

And the moment you’re finished…

You’ll have INSTANT access to the entire 1-2-3 Keto System through the special “members only” area.

From that “member’s only” area…

Every single piece of The 1-2-3 Keto System is available in beautifully designed, digital format…

So you can view every piece of the system on your smartphone, tablet, or computer…

Plus you can also print out as many copies as you’d like too – and share The 1-2-3 Keto System with your family and friends.

No matter which part of The 1-2-3 Keto System you’re most looking forward to…

It only makes sense for you to click the add to cart button and get started today.


60 day money back guarantee

(The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.)

I should also tell you that for a limited time only…

This cheat sheet gives you a comprehensive list of keto-friendly foods that you’ve got a greenlight to eat whenever you want!

Inside you’re given a full list of food items that are not keto-approved…

And while the Keto Fail-Foods list isn’t nearly as large as the Keto-Friendly Foods list…

It’s still a really nice resource to have, because it eliminates any mystery and confusion about foods almost instantly.

Both of these bonuses are only available for a limited time however…

So click the add to cart button you see on this page right now…

And get immediate access to The 1-2-3 Keto System + both bonuses…


60 day money back guarantee

(The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.)

Now in addition to your two free bonuses today…

And here’s why:

If you’re still on the fence about this, I totally get it…

Because just like you…

I’ve seen a LOT of mediocre Keto programs and guides online…

And I know how frustrating and disappointing it feels to be let down.

Here’s the thing though…

I know without a shadow of a doubt that The 1-2-3 Keto System will be different from anything you’ve ever seen before.

The 1-2-3 Keto System is so easy to follow…

It makes it so easy to start burning fat on Day 1…

It shows you exactly how to get into Ketosis rapidly, without suffering from cravings or withdraws…

And it makes staying in ketosis for the long-run so effortless…

That I’m positive you are going to LOVE this system.

But if you feel differently than I do for any reason…

Or if you don’t LOVE your experience with The 1-2-3 Keto System…

Simply call or email Faster Keto’s U.S.-based customer service team 24/7…

And they’ll issue you a quick and friendly refund, with no questions asked.

In other words – you’ve got nothing to risk here at all.

You can get started with The 1-2-3 Keto System today…

And feel comfortable knowing that you’ve got a full 3 Months to decide if you want to keep it or not.

So why wait another minute, go ahead and jump right in...

By clicking the button you see below right now, and completing your order.


60 day money back guarantee

(The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.)

The first option is to leave this page without trying The 1-2-3 Keto System.

That’s absolutely your choice…

But I want you to answer this next question honestly:

If you don’t take action today, what’s going to change?

No matter whether you’ve never tried the Keto Diet before…

Or you’re struggling to stay in Ketosis at this very moment…

You’ve stuck with me this long because you know something is missing.

You realize that no matter what weight loss programs and diets you’ve followed in the past…

You simply haven’t gotten the results you were so deeply hoping for…

And that the definition of insanity is making the same mistakes over-and-over again.

Doesn’t it make sense to try something that’s simple but proven?

Wouldn’t it be nice to have an easier and better way of experiencing the Keto Diet…

If you find yourself nodding your head “yes”…

Then it should be pretty clear what you need to do.

So go ahead and make that smarter choice…

And click the button you see below right now to get instant access to The 1-2-3 Keto System.

You’ll be covered by that full 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee…

And in about 2 minutes from now…

You’ll already be on the way to transforming your body and your life.


60 day money back guarantee

(The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.)

This is a unique system that works for folks of all experience levels.

Beginners will love how everything is laid out in a simple, step-by-step system that shows you how to get into Ketosis FAST...

While people of all experience levels will love that the 30 Day Meal plan and bonus recipes make it easy to eat keto every day without having to count macros or feel confused…

Plus we’ve been getting really great feedback from beginners and experts alike on the Staying Keto On-the-Go piece of our system…

Because folks love that they can eat Keto-friendly meals anytime and from anywhere in the world!

Absolutely! Every recipe inside The 1-2-3 Keto System can be prepared in 15 minutes or less. Plus, we’ve also included a whole section filled with keto-friendly meals you can eat when dining out, along with keto-friendly snacks that you can find at the movies, conveniences stores, or anywhere else in the world that you are!

Don’t worry. You’re given so many different options for breakfast, dinner, lunch, dessert, and snacks that switching out meals is as easy-as-can be!

In most cases yes. However, it’s always a good idea to consult a healthcare provider before starting a keto program. The 1-2-3 Keto System is not recommended for type 1 diabetics, kidney disease sufferers, or pregnant or breastfeeding women.

You’re investment in The 1-2-3 Keto System is covered by a 60 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee. This means you have a full two-months to try out this system for yourself. The team at Faster Keto is confident that you’ll LOVE your experience with this system, but if you’re not satisfied for any reason, simply call or email our U.S. Based Customer Service team 24/7 and they will promptly issue a full refund!

It’s easy! Just click the button below and complete your order. Then once you’re finished, you’ll get full access to The 1-2-3 Keto System. Every piece of the system is provided to you in a beautifully designed, digital format that can be viewed on any tablet, computer, or smartphone. Additionally, you can also print everything out and share the cheat-sheets, recipes, and meal plans with your family and friends!


60 day money back guarantee

(The product is digital and the images are for visualization only.)

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