TNC – Clickbank – K8 Wellness


Every year, millions of people, just like you, go on some sort of a detox program. They go on juice cleanses, shake cleanses, detox pill cleanses, drink only lemon juice, maple syrup and cayenne pepper cleanses, drastic low calorie and low nutrient cleanses.

In the end, they often feel worse, regain the weight they lost (if any) and are more toxic than ever, only to repeat the cycle over and over again with yet another quick fix cleanse.

Often the products they use are - quite frankly - CR*P! (There I said it!). They are sold on the idea of a quick fix, without even questioning what they’re consuming or an understanding of basic human physiology - that any drastic calorie and nutrient reduction is going to have a devastating impact on your energy, metabolism, digestive system and long-term weight loss goals.

I’m Kate Davison, a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach, Personal Trainer, Yogi and expert in the field of cleansing, detoxification and weight-loss. I help people detox using a simple, step-by-step solution that focuses on the body, mind and soul so you can LOSE WEIGHT (NATURALLY), INCREASE ENERGY and IMPROVE DIGESTION in the process (wouldn’t that be nice?)…all without starving or giving up delicious food.

I’ve been studying detoxing, nutrition and the human body for over a decade and I’ve witnessed the truth about cleansing and the shocking industry practices. Since then, I’ve helped many people, just like you, transform their bodies and lives - not just a quick temporary short-term solution, but a permanent lifelong transformation.

If you want to know more, you can read more about me here.

I was blessed growing up in a loving family home, however, food was used as an expression of love or as a reward. It wasn’t Mum’s fault, she’s not a nutritionist or health coach – she did what most working mums or busy people do in the kitchen – save time and effort.

And I’m not going to lie, I’ve always been a “foodie” and loved my grub! I ate whatever was presented in front of me - huge portions and second helpings.

As I got older my weight also increased…at 16 years old, I'd also reached a UK size 16.

After picking up a virus that cut my appetite for a few weeks, I lost a huge amount of weight in a short time, doing the opposite to what I had been doing my entire life. I went from over-eating and eating everything in sight, to under-eating - low calorie, low carb, low fat - plus over-exercising = a metabolic disaster!

I dropped from a UK size 14/16 to a size 6/8. When I went to university, you can imagine what happened. I PUT ALL THE WEIGHT BACK ON! AND MORE!!

There was no way that I could continue the extreme “diet” and exercise regimen I had been on for months.

I’m telling you my story because I want to help you from making the same mistakes I did. If you are reading this, then I know that you are going through this. You’ve gone on a crash/fad diet in the past, or you’re wondering whether to buy the newest magic pill or shake “promising” you drastic weight loss.

I LEARNED THE HARD WAY through my own personal weight and health challenges.

I’ve studied and qualified as a Certified Transformational Nutrition Coach to help myself and others like you. I have the professional creds, the personal experience and the expert knowledge.

I did some pretty stupid things with my health back then. Quick fixes never work, however, you want to see results quickly. I get it, it’s human nature.

We actively seek pleasure and want to avoid pain. We simultaneously love the idea of somebody giving us a plan to follow, yet hate the idea of a “diet” and perceived deprivation.

We all want results quickly, especially in our busy time-precious lives. However, you realise that real permanent transformation is a lifestyle change.

Information Overload Syndrome!

There are SO many myths and misinformation surrounding detoxing, cleansing and nutrition in general. I’m all about health education and lifestyle change – helping you get healthy and living your dream life - not thin (or “skinny-fat”), unhealthy and miserable!

BUT all the time I hear - from women especially - that they want to lose a few pounds. They are busy, stressed, tired and looking for a jump start (not quick fix) to better health. They want the health-boosting and weight-loss benefits of a cleanse, with the promises of a real transformative lifestyle change.

It’s about education. It’s about learning what great nutrition is and stripping things back to basics. But I understand human nature and the psychological boost of small “wins”, seeing quick changes and kick-starting a new healthy lifestyle.

A lot of people ask me where to start. They want to achieve A, B or C, sometimes all three!

Taking the principles from my study with ITN and decade working in the wellness industry, I’ve created a step-by-step system that incorporates everything I have learned.

It’s called The 21-Day Transformational Nutrition Cleanse® and it’s THE most effective, powerful cleanse to help you INCREASE ENERGY, IMPROVE DIGESTION and LOSE WEIGHT (NATURALLY), whilst providing you with a great platform for long-term health.

Step-by-Step Program Guide

This is a quick, fun read, loaded with information. It contains helpful, time-saving tips and resources to maximise your cleansing results, including what foods to eat, which to avoid, what types of movement I recommend, ways to detox your mind for optimal health and much more! This guide walks you through the entire process of cleansing and even pre-cleansing, just in case you need to ease into it.

Personally for me, I learn better by seeing things in action, rather than by just reading a static non-interactive guide. I also enjoy making videos! These will go into the program content in depth and give you further guidance and support, so that you don’t feel alone on this journey. I’ll be adding more and more video content as time progresses.

Bonuses - Videos & Expert Guests

Including some exciting expert guest bonuses, with expertise in different areas. This section will be continuously updated, as more new expert guests come onboard! This will allow you to explore different concepts further. If a particular area of the program piques your interest, you’ll be able to dive deeper.

 I’m a simple girl and I like simple cooking with minimal ingredients, but I get asked all the time for “healthy recipes”. For those of you who prefer to follow recipes rather than freestyle (my mode!), this booklet contains simple, mouth-watering recipes, that can be made in 30 minutes or less, with ingredients you can find at your local grocery store! Every recipe is perfectly balanced, to ensure maximum nutrition and cleansing benefits, with minimum effort.

Extras - Guides, Charts & Tips

Dining Out Guide, Travel Tips (including Easy-On-The-Go-Snack Ideas), Grocery Shopping Guide, Dirty Dozen & Clean Fifteen chart, a list of hidden ingredients which aren’t helpful for cleansing and health (including “Gluten In Disguise” and “Sugar In Disguise”), PLUS a list of suggested supplements that are helpful to this program and the cleansing process.

For those of you who like to follow an exact blueprint, my 21 Day "Done-For-You" Meal Plan tells you exactly what to do for each day and when you need to do it for the full 21 days of the program! I'm giving you full benefit of my knowledge to make it as easy as possible!

Along with new exclusive video content to support you and your new healthy lifestyle, you’ll also receive lifetime upgrades if there any major changes or additions to the program, including new expert guest bonuses and other great content!

You deserve a life that is vibrant, energetic and full of joy!

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I use the words detox, cleanse and diet interchangeably.

The word “diet” has a lot of stigma attached. The word “diet” simply means what you eat. I talk about this more in my Top 3 Detox Mistakes report. You can watch my video on the topic here.

I prefer a “no-label” way of living – I call it the “anti-diet” – guidelines and a plan for living healthy, free from illness and disease 🙂

The number 21 has symbolic meaning in many traditions. It’s also a great length of time to starting making changes! Of course it takes a lot longer (research suggests 3-6 months) to make real permanent behaviour change…however making small daily changes and new habits over the course of 21 days is going to set you up for great success!

Let’s face it, you know that you’re not going to make real or lasting changes with a 2, 3 or even 7 day “diet”…the shorter the timeframe for these programs…the more drastic changes are needed to see results…the most likely you will “rebound” back to your old weight and lifestyle (probably with an extra few pounds added).

If you want to see real lasting results, the 21 Day Transformational Nutrition Cleanse is a great place to start. You will see changes, without feeling deprived, throwing a tantrum or the towel in!

A 21 day timeframe also allows for the odd slip-up or two! If you fall off the bandwagon on a 21 day plan, it’s not the end of the world (it feels like it on a much shorter plan!). Ideally you won’t and you can commit to 21 days…I mean…let me ask you this: “If you can’t commit to your health for 21 days, then you seriously have to question your level of commitment in life, in general”. I understand, I’m human too, we all slip-up and it’s not “bad”. 21 days gives you a buffer zone of trying to be “perfect”, “failing” and then realising we are all imperfectly perfect anyway! Just try not to slip-up 😉

Obviously having a one-on-one call will enable us to work on your specific goals and requirements (e.g. any specific dietary needs, food intolerances, allergies etc.). Also to dive deeper into your transformation. Often we have a blind spot when it comes to our own health. Sometimes we need an expert – an objective outsider to point out the quickest road to success. Other times we just need a coach for accountability and to gently nudge us in the right direction and get us back on track if we fall off the wagon.

Sometimes we need moral group support from others following the same program, to realise that we are not alone in this.However, I have not held back with the information I’ve provided in the program. Everything is in there. You can work at your own pace. The advantage of working one-on-one/in a group is the bonus of individualised or group support and the depth we go into in different areas. If you want to “try out” the program first, then later down the road you feel like you need some one-to-one support, I will still be here 🙂

Your health is my priority. Many people say that and don’t mean it…I really mean it…I’ve gone through my own health struggles and I’ve worked with a lot of people who were happy to take my money without really caring about my health…without even asking any questions about my current health status before selling me their product/program.

Because you are reading this, I know that you’re looking for change…whether that’s increasing your energy, improving your digestion, losing weight, or just getting out of your current diet or health “rut”.

I am offering you the chance to chat with me over Skype for 15 mins to ask any questions about the 21 Day Transformational Nutrition Cleanse.

Also to check to see whether the 21 Day Transformational Nutrition Cleanse is for you…it’s not for everyone - this includes certain medical conditions and anything that could be classified as chronic or severe e.g. Inflammatory Bowel Disease (I.B.D) – the recipes and meal plan don’t cater for these. I work with people with digestive issues and would be happy to work with you one-to-one, however this program isn’t specialised around such restrictive diets.

If you’re not sure, book in with me for a quick chat or contact me here and I will do my best to answer any questions. I have a wide referral network of brilliant health professionals, so if there’s something out of my area of expertise, I will help you find the right person for your specific goals.

You are already on the website - go explore, read :). The K8 Wellness blog is a good place to start for written and video content. If you want to follow me on social media, you’ll find my links at the bottom of every page on my website.

Just like you’d get a refund in the bookstore, I’m offering a No Quibbles Refund. What does that mean? If you don’t like the program or don’t get any benefit from it, just reply to your purchase receipt email within 60 days and I will issue a refund, no quibbles. I will of course nicely ask you “Why?” and offer you the chance to jump on Skype with me to iron out any issues or questions and to see if I can help you with your health goals. However, you’ll still get a refund AND you can keep the program. I’m also offering you 60 days, because I know that sometimes we buy things and don’t use them immediately 🙂

If you still have questions after reading this page, please get in touch and I will do my best to answer them.

I know it can be tough to get started on the path to good health. I understand that people turn to quick detox programs and faddish diets because they sound easy.

In just 21 days, you really can change your health and life. If you join me on this journey, you will discover what you actually want and truly need on a deep level. I will be there to offer you all the support and encouragement you need along the way. To help make sense of it all, stay in touch with me on your favourite social media channel.

Together we'll work on ways to increase your energy, improve your digestion and lose weight naturally.

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